Main Content

Winter term 2022/23
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
Oct 18 2022, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Intro talks | |||
Oct 25 2022, Giessen, Seminargebäude II, Alter Steinbacher Weg 44, Raum 012, 4:00 PM |
Erich Schröger | Generative mental models of hearing | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Elena |
Nov 01 2022, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Monika Harvey | Spatial attention changes across the lifespan | paper1 recordings |
Michaela |
Nov 08 2022, virtual, 6:00 PM |
Jeannette Bohg | The Challenges of Robot Learning for Manipulation of Deformables | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
Frieder |
Nov 15 2022, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Intro talks | |||
Nov 22 2022, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Neil Burgess | Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Memory and Navigation | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
Renate |
Nov 29 2022, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Vera Schluessel | Orientation strategies and spatial memory in sharks and stingrays | recordings | Kathrin |
Dec 6 2022, | IRTG Retreat | |||
Dec 13 2022, virtual |
Career Path talk | Dr. Michael Joch Technical Solution Manager Bionic Analytics Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA ![]() |
Jan 10 2023, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Intro talks | |||
Jan 17 2023, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Daniel Lakens | Proving Yourself Wrong: How to Design Informative Studies | recordings presentation |
Elena |
Jan 24 2023, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Intro talks | |||
Jan 31 2023, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Craig Chapman | Gaze and Movement Analysis (GaMA) in Real and Virtual Worlds | paper recordings |
Viswajit Kumar |
Feb 07 2023, virtual, 4:00 PM |
Song Joo-Hyun | How does action training affect perception and cognition? | paper recordings |
Sebastian D’Amario |
May 04 2023, virutal |
Career Path talk Alexandra Lezkan und Michael Joch |
recordings |
Summer term 2022
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
April 12 | Intro + Retreat social event planning | Elena, Ed/Elef | ||
April 19, 4:00 PM |
Bettina Korka, Leipzig University |
Action intention and sensorial regularities represent distinctive prediction sources for a common mechanism. Evidence from the auditory domain. |
paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Elena |
April 26 | Intro | Frieder, Hongy | ||
May 3, 6:00 PM |
Jeannette Bohg, Stanford University |
The Challenges of Robot Learning for Manipulation of Deformables | paper 1 paper 2 |
Frieder |
May 10, 4:00 PM |
Simon Rushton, Cardiff University |
Why are we sensitive to optic flow? | paper recordings |
Hongyi |
May 17 | VSS | |||
May 24 | Intro | Hongyi, Ambika, Ed | ||
May 31, 4:00 PM |
Richard Wilkie, University of Leeds |
Steering the drive towards automation: investigating control transitions | paper recordings |
Hongyi |
June 14, 4:00 PM |
Ewa Niechwiej-Swedo, University of Waterloo |
Role of binocularity in the development and performance of prehension | paper recordings |
Ambika |
June 21, 4:00 PM |
Florian Waszak, CNRS, Université de Paris |
"An ideomotor account of voluntary action control" | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Ed |
June 28 | IRTG retreat | |||
July 5 | Career Path talk - Harun Karimpur | Senior Strategy Consultant, Deloitte | ||
July 12 | Ruth Rosenholtz | My year of banning attention | recordings |
Winter term 2021/22
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
02.11.2021 !!changed starting time!! 15:15 -16:45 Uhr |
workshop TBD | Best practices in open-science | recordings | Ben & Matt |
09.11.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Speakers’ intro | Christina & Ambika | ||
16.11.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Jakub Limanowski Technical University Dresden |
Precision control for flexible body representation | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Christina |
23.11.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Caroline Robertson Dartmouth College, USA |
Active Vision in Immersive, Real- World Environments | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Ambika |
30.11.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Speakers’ intro | Frieder & Raphael | ||
07.12.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Gavin Buckingham University of Exeter, GB |
Grasping the virtual world | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
Frieder |
14.12.2021 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Jordan Taylor Princeton University, USA |
The steep part of the learning curve: how cognitive strategies shape motor skill acquisition. | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Raphael |
11.01.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Speakers’ intro | Jen & Laura | paper | |
18.01.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Opher Donchin Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Isreal |
Facts and speculation on the components of motor adaptation | paper recordings |
Jen |
25.01.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Alaa Ahmed University of Colorado, USA |
A unifying framework for decision making and movement control | recordings | Laura |
01.02.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Speakers’ intro | Moritz & Ben | ||
08.02.2022 starting time: 18:15 Uhr |
Ladan Shams UCLA, USA |
Multisensory perception, memory, and learning | paper recordings |
Moritz |
15.02.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
Paul Cisek University of Montreal, CA |
The neural mechanisms of real-time decisions | paper recordings |
Ben |
22.02.2022 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr |
workshop TBD | Organizing Code: Legibility, Reuse, and Open Science | recordings | Ben & Matt |
Summer term 2021
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
20.04.2021 | Career Path talk - Dr. Anke Marit Albers, Strategic Business Unit, University of Twente |
IRTG news from Katja and Frank | recordings | |
27.04.2021 | Speakers Intro | Lucie, Moritz | ||
04.05.2021 | Chiara Turati, University of Milano-Bicocca |
Action and emotion understanding in infancy and early childhood | recordings | Lucie |
11.05.2021 | No seminar - Scientific Writing workshop | |||
18.05.2021 | Andreas Kalckert, University of Skövde |
Ownership, Agency, and the body – a conceptual clarification | paper recordings |
Moritz |
25.05.2021 | Speaker Intro | Ed, Marie | ||
01.06.2021 | Judy Ford, University of California San Francisco |
Predictive mechanisms in Schizophrenia | recordings | Ed |
08.06.2021 | Luc Tremblay, University of Toronto |
Can multisensory integration research close the “loop” with sensorimotor control models and their practical applications? | paper 1 paper 2 recordings |
Marie |
15.06.2021 | IRTG retreat | |||
22.06.2021 | Speakers Intro | Renate, Elena | ||
29.06.2021 !!! starting time 16.00 Uhr !!! |
Olaf Dimigen, Humboldt University Berlin |
Electrophysiology in Active Vision | Renate | |
06.07.2021 | Felix Blankenburg, Free University Berlin |
From Tactile Sensation to Action – an Attempt to Close the Loop | recordings | Elena |
Winter term 2020/21
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
03.11.2020 | Speakers Intro | Elef | ||
10.11.2020 | Irene Sperandio PhD, University of Trento (Italy) |
Behavioural and neural correlates of size constancy | recordings | |
17.11.2020 | Speakers Intro | Jakob, Hossein | ||
24.11.2020 | Klaus Gramann, Technical University Berlin |
Mobile Brain/Body Imaging to investigate natural spatial cognition | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
01.12.2020 | Andrea Kiesel, Freiburg University |
Self-organized task scheduling when multitasking | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 paper 4 recordings |
08.12.2020 | Speakers Intro | Pierre-Pascal | ||
15.12.2020 | Birgit Nierula, MPI Leipzig |
Body ownership and agency in immersive virtual Environments | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 paper 4 recordings |
12.01.2021 | Speaker Intro | Jonny Coutinho: Miriam Spering Laura Mikula: Orban de Xivry |
19.01.2021 | Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry, Professor Movement control and neuroplasticity KU Leuven |
Sensory and motor functions that are preserved with aging | paper recordings |
26.01.2021 | Miriam Spering University of Bristish Columbia, CA |
Eye Movements as a Window into Decision Making | paper recordings |
02.02.2021 | Speaker Intro | Marie | ||
02.02.2021 | Career Path talk | Dr. Stefanie Müller (Leibniz Institute for Psychology, Head of study planning, data collection, and data analysis Services) |
recordings | |
09.02.2021 | Konstantina Kilteni | Behavioral and neural mechanisms of somatosensory attenuation | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
16.02.2021 | Career Path talk | Mareike Pazen, Clinical Research Associate, AstraZeneca |
recordings |
Summer term 2020
!! planed schedule for summer term 2020 !!
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
14.04.2020 | Lecture: Tilo Kircher | lecture materials recordings |
21.04.2020 | No Seminar | |||
28.04.2020 | Lecture Frank Bremmer + Intro Speaker | lecture materials recordings |
05.05.2020 | Hermann Mueller (Giessen University) | Neural correlates of predictive error perception | recordings | Raphael |
12.05.2020 !! starting time: 16:15 Uhr !! |
Lecture Karl Gegenfurtner | recordings | ||
19.05.2020 | PD module: Michael Johnny, Manager, Knowledge Mobilization Unit,York University | OralCommunications Workshop: Clear Language and Presentation | ||
20.05.2020 | No Seminar | |||
26.05.2020 !! starting time: 16:15 Uhr !! |
Lecture Roland Fleming | recordings | ||
!! postponed to 9. February 2021 !! | Konstantina Kilteni (Karolinska Institute Stockholm) | Behavioral and neural mechanisms of somatosensory attenuation | Marie | |
02.06.2020 | Lecture Doug Crawford | recordings | ||
09.06.2020 !! starting time: 16:15 Uhr !! |
Lecture Katja Fiehler | recordings | ||
16.06.2020 !! starting time 16:15 Uhr !! |
PD module: Saeed and Michael Wang | "What I have been doing and what I wish I have done" | recordings | |
!! postponed to 15. December 2020 !! |
Birgit Nierula (MPI Leipzig) | Body ownership and agency in immersive virtual Environments | Pierre-Pascal | |
23.06.2020 | Lecture Jörn Munzert | recordings | ||
01.07.2020 new starting time !! starting time 18:00 Uhr !! |
Corrina Wang | Project Managementprinciples to academic Research | recordings | Maria Ayala |
!! postponed to 1. December 2020 !! | Andrea Kiesel (Freiburg University) | Hossein | ||
07.07.2020 | Lecture Dominik Endres | recordings - part 1 recordings - part 2 recordings - part 3 recordings - part 4 |
14.07.2020 !! starting time: 16:15 Uhr !! |
Laurie Wilcox (York University, Toronto) | Stereoscopic depth perception in real and virtual environments | recordings | Sia |
21.07.2020 !! starting time: 16:15 Uhr !! |
Lecture Benjamin Straube | recordings | ||
28.07.2020 !! starting time 16:15 Uhr !! |
Lecture Gudrun Schwarzer | recordings |
Winter term 2019/20
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
15.10.2019, Gießen | Welcome new German IRTG students | |||
22.10.2019 | No seminar (SfN) | |||
29.10.2019 | Doug Munoz | Lecture | recordings |
05.11.2019 | Jonathan Cant, University of Toronto Scarborough | Role of ensemble processing in human visual cognition | paper recordings |
12.11.2019 | Gunnar Blohm | Lecture & Intro Martin Lotze (Lars) |
recordings |
19.11.2019, Gießen | Martin Lotze, Universität Greifswald | Functional representation of long-term motor training in healthy individuals and after cerebral stroke | recordings | Lars |
26.11.2019, Marburg |
Alexander Schütz | Lecture & Intro Daniel Senkowski (Jakob) |
03.12.2019, Marburg | Daniel Senkowski, Charité Berlin | The role of neural oscillations for multisensory processing in healthy individuals and people with schizophrenia | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 |
Jakob |
10.12.2019 | Denise Henriques | Lecture & Intro Hermann Müller (Raphael) |
recordings |
!! canceled date !! 17.12.2019, Gießen !! canceled date !! |
Hermann Müller, JLU Gießen | Neural Correlates of Predictive Error Perception | paper 1 paper 2 |
Raphael |
07.01.2020 | No Seminar | |||
!! canceled date !! 14.01.2020 !! canceled date !! |
Doug Crawford | Lecture | ||
21.01.2020 | Laurence Harris | Lecture & Intro Lars Meyer (Yifei He) |
recordings | Yifei He |
28.01.2020, Marburg |
Dr. Lars Meyer, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig | The role of slow-frequency neural oscillations in language comprehension | paper 1 paper 2 paper 3 recordings |
Yifei He |
04.02.2020 | Niko Troje | Lecture & Intro Ragnhild Eg (Lukas) |
recordings |
11.02.2020, Marburg |
Ragnhild Eg, Kristiania College Oslo | Adversarial interactions in multisensory perception | Lukas | |
18.02.2020 | Jody Culham | Lecture | recordings |
25.02.2020, Marburg |
Anna Schubö |
Lecture | recording |
Summer term 2019
When & Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
30.04.2019 |
Intro Sauseng + Intro Welsh | |||
07.05.2019 Marburg |
Paul Sauseng, Department of Psychology Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
It's swinging in the brain: how slow brain rhythms might control working memory processes | paper 1 paper 2 Recording |
Constanze Schmitt |
14.05.2019 |
Tim Welsh (York) |
Attention, decisions and action | paper Recording |
Ambika Bansal |
21.05.2019 |
Annual meeting of the Vision Science Society - VSS | |||
28.05.2019 |
Intro Scott Adler (York) + Rita | |||
4.06.2019 |
Scott Adler (York) |
Development in attention and eye movement |
Recording | Annalise D'Souza |
11.06.2019 |
Annual meeting of the Center for Vision Research - CVR | |||
18.06.2019 |
IRTG Retreat | |||
25.06.2019 |
Paulina Cuevas | Intro Hunt + 1 Introductory talk | Analyzing language with MRI | Illja Wagner |
02.07.2019 Marburg |
Amelia Hunt, School of Psychology University of Aberdeen |
Choice and Consequence in Eye Movements and Beyond | paper 1 paper 2 Recording |
Illja Wagner |
09.07.2019 | Fabio Lu | Intro Maiello + 1 Introductory talk | Reference Frames and Spatial Relations | Lina Klein |
16.07.2019 |
Guido Maiello (JLU) |
Eyes and hands: Eye-hand coordination and grasping in 3D | paper 1 paper 2 Recording |
Lina Klein |
Winter term 2018/19
When & Where |
Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
16.10.2018 | Tom | Professional development | Recording | Queen's Students |
23.10.2018 Marburg |
Benjamin Adrian |
Introductory talk on Movement Primitives and Electrophysiological recodrings in NHP | ||
30.10.2018 | Hossein Harun |
Introduction of the next weeks' speakers |
06.11.2018 Marburg |
Giacomo Nevembre University College, London |
Rethinking saliency: from perception to (re)Action | Paper |
Hossein |
13.11.2018 Giessen |
Thomas Wolbers University of Magdeburg |
Spatial Navigation - a unique window into mechanisms of ageing and dementia | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Harun |
20.11.2018 | tba | Introduction of the next weeks' speakers | Paper | |
27.11.2018 York |
Erez Freud York University |
Object recognition - A tale of two pathways | Recording |
04.12.2018 York |
Marcus Watson York University |
Gaze and choice behaviour during multidimensional learning | Recording |
11.12.2018 Giessen |
Jonny Fabio |
Introduction of the next week's Speaker Introductory talk on 2-stream model of vision in pictorial and visual Scenes |
18.12.2018 Giessen |
Philippe Lefevre Université catholique de Louvain |
"Short-term memory and visual signals contribute to saccade-pursuit synergy" | Recording |
Jonny |
15.01.2019 Giessen |
Rita Gloria |
Introduction of the next weeks' Speakers | Giessen | |
22.01.2019 Western |
Michael Barnett-Cowan University of Waterloo |
“Perception and Action in Virtual Environments” | Estimating the sensorimotor components of cybersickness Recording |
Rita |
30.01.2019 Giessen Room F341a |
Meike Ramon University of Fribourg |
Super-recognizers in criminal investigation - hype or hope? |
Familiarity matters: A review on prioritized processing of personally familiar faces All new kids on the block? Impaired holistic processing of personally familiar faces in a kindergarten teacher with acquired prosopagnosia Recording |
Gloria |
05.02.2019 Marburg Room +4/90150, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8, 35039 Marburg |
Lina Mareike |
Introductory talk fMRI | ||
12.02.2019 Queen’s |
Sophie Kenny | Career Path talk, Staff Scientist, ViPixx Technologies Inc. | Recording | |
19.02.2019 Queen’s |
Julia | Professional development | Recording |
If not noted otherwise, seminars are scheduled for 18.00h to 20.00h (CET).
Seminars in Marburg (talks by invited guest speakers) take place in: Kleiner Hörsaal (Lecture Hall) Renthof 5, 35037 Marburg
Seminars in Marburg Ortenberg (broadcasts and introductory talks) take place in: Ernst-Kretschmer-Konferenzraum, room number: +4/90650, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8, 35039 Marburg
Seminars in Giessen take place in: Phil I, Otto- Behaghel-Str. 10, Room F9