Main Content

Summer term 2018 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
10.04.2018 | Gießen | Florian Bayer Alexander |
Career path talk (Carl Zeiss). Introduction of the next weeks' speakers (Markus Lappe) |
Recording | Katja |
17.04.2018 12.15 h |
Gießen Room E6 |
Markus Lappe |
Saccadic adaptation and visual perception. |
Recording | Alexander |
24.04.2018 | GI/MR | DCs from Queens University | Professional Development |
Recording | Gunnar |
01.05.2018 | Holiday |
08.05.2018 |
Lukas Ben |
Introduction of the next weeks' speakers (Clare Press, Martin Pare) | Recording | |
15.05.2018 | Marburg | Clare Press Birbeck University, London |
The influence of action predictions on perception: Contrasting facilitation and cancellation models. | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Lukas |
22.05.2018 |
29.05.2018 | GI/MR | Martin Pare Queen's University, CA |
Neural correlates of visual working memory in the macaque monkey. |
Paper Recording |
Ben |
05.06.2018 | Marburg | Benjamin Shanaa |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Katja Mombaur, Hannah Block) |
Recording | |
12.06.2018 |
Marburg | Katja Mombaur University of Heidelberg |
Optimal control of humanoid motion. |
Paper |
Benjamin |
19.06.2018 |
GI/MR | Hannah Block Indiana University, Bloomington, US |
Motor cortex effects of recalibrating visuo-proprioceptive estimates of hand position |
Paper |
Shanaa |
26.06.2018 | Glashütten | Parisa |
IRTG Retreat and
introduction of the next week's speaker (Jeroen Smeets) |
03.07.2018 | Gießen | Hanna Gertz | Career path talk (Forschungsreferentin Leibniz Gemeinschaft) |
Paper |
Katja |
10.07.2018 | Gießen | Jeroen Smeets Free University, NL |
Synergies in grasping |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Parisa |
Winter term 2017/18 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
07.11.2017 | Meaghan Lukas Uhlmann |
Introductory talks on Multisensory Perceptcion and Agency | Link | ||
14.11.2017 | Özlem Sensoy Benjamin |
Introductory talks on underlying theories and concepts of preferential looking and reaching in infancy and Bayesian Model Comparison |
Recording | ||
21.11.2017 | Tom Vishal Bharmauria |
Introduction of next week's speakers (Patrick Canvanagh & Daniel Smith). | |||
28.11.2017 | Giessen | Daniel Smith Durham University (GB) |
What is the role of the oculomotor system in covert spatial attention? | Paper 1 Recording |
Tom |
04.12.2017 |
Marburg 18 h ct Room 001 Sprachatlas Pilgrimstein 16 |
Douglas Munoz | A brain circuit for pupil orienting responses: implications for cognitive modulation of pupil size | ||
05.12.2017 | Patrick Cavanagh York University , Newslink |
"Where" | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Vishal | |
12.12.2017 | Maria Hossein |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Joseph Desouza) |
Recording 1 Recording 2 |
19.12.2017 | Joseph Desouza York University |
Motor learning in the real world in experts and people with Parkinson's disease | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
09.01.2018 | Introduction of the next week's speakers (Sonja Gruen, Anthony Atkinson) |
23.01.2018 |
Anthony Atkinson Durham University |
Effective Connectivity Between Nodes of the Action Observation Network Supports Unterstanding of Emotional Actions | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Julia Bachmann |
30.01.2018 |
Chad |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Mathias Hegele) |
06.02.2018 | Gießen | Mathias Hegele Gießen Unversity |
The Aging Mind in Small Motion: A window into age-related changes in sensorimotor learning |
Paper Recording |
Chad |
13.02.2018 | Gießen | Tutis Vilis Western University |
Survival Skills for Graduate Students and PostDocs |
Recording |
27.02.2018 | Regina Rini | Ethical Consideration in Neuroscience Research |
Recording | ||
06.03.2018 | Simon Landry | Tips for Knowledge Translation |
Recording |
Summer term 2017 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
18.04.2017 | Marburg | Mareike Pazen Lina Klein Jing Chen |
Discussion of IRTG qualification program and onsite review Introduction of next week's speaker. |
25.04.2017 | Gießen | Mathias Müller University of Leipzig |
Neural dynamics of spatial and feature-based attention in early visual cortex of the human brain | Paper Recording |
Jing Chen |
02.05.2017 | tba | Julia Bachmann |
Introduction of the next week's speaker |
09.05.2017 | Gießen | Beatrice de Gelder Maastricht University |
Talk postponed | Julia Bachmann | |
16.05.2017 | Marburg | Lina Klein Fabio Lu Mareike Pazen Adrian Schütz |
Project update talks | ||
23.05.2017 | Gießen | Özlem Sensoy Tom Nissens Julia Bachmann Dennis Koch |
Project update talks | Recording | |
30.05.2017 | tba | Ezgi Arikan Mareike Pazen |
Introduction of the next week's speaker |
06.06.2017 | Marburg | Andrea Desantis Université Paris Descartes |
How action structure perception: the influence of action-outcome prediction on the perception of sensory events |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
Ezgi Arikan Mareike Pazen |
13.06.2017 | tba | Gießen | Preparation of onsite review Practice talks, Anna Heuer & Jing Chen |
20.06.2017 | Marburg | Doug Crawford York University Toronto |
Visuomotor Transformations: a multimodal perspective |
21.06.2017 | Gießen | Mel Goodale Western University |
23.06.2017 11.30 h |
Marburg Deutscher Sprachatlas Pilgrimstein 16 EG 001 |
Scott Murdison Oculus VR Research |
Career path |
27.06.2017 | No Seminar |
04.07.2017 | Gießen | Özlem Sensoy Julia Bachmann |
Introduction of the next week's speakers |
Paper 1 Paper 2 |
11.07.2017 | Gießen | Michael Kavsek Bonn University |
When and how does space perception get started? | Özlem Sensoy | |
18.07.2017 | Gießen | Anthony Atkinson Durham University |
Talk postponed | ||
25.07.2017 | Marburg | Stefan Dowiasch Thomas Recording |
Career path From user to producer: Working for a research equipment company |
Winter Term 2016/17 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
08.11.2016 | Gießen | Lina, Fabio, Tom, Adrian, Mareike, Alexander | Introduction of the new IRTG members with short talks. | Recording |
15.11.2016 | Christian Ben |
Journal Club (Introduction of the upcoming speakers.) | |||
22.11.2016 | Marburg |
Niko Busch Muenster University |
Alpha oscillations, excitability and perceptual bias | Paper Recording |
Christian |
29.11.2016 |
Julio Martinez-Trujillo Western University, London Canada |
Mechanisms of working memory coding in primates | Paper Recording |
Ben | |
06.12.2016 | Julia, Özlem, Bianca | Journal club (Introduction of the upcoming speakers.) Introduction of the new IRTG members with short talks. |
13.12.2016 | Jennifer Steeves York University, Toronto, Canada |
Seeing the forest but not the trees: studies of real and virtual lesions. |
Paper Recording |
Bianca | |
20.12.2016 | Nils Balser Betriebl. Gesundheitsmanagement MERCK KGaA, Darmstadt |
Career Paths Job perspercitves in the health science sector |
Recording | ||
10.01.2017 | Alexandra | Journal Club (Introduction of the upcoming speakers.) |
17.01.2017 | Gießen | Alessandro Moscatelli University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Combining tactile and hand motion: constancy, priors and perceptual illusions. |
Paper Recording |
Alexandra |
23.01.2017 | Marburg LAHNBERGE 14.15 h |
Svenja Marx Referat 615 - Gesundheitsforschung, Bundesministerium f. Bildung und Forschung |
Career paths | ||
24.01.2017 | Friederike Seyfried |
Journal Club (Introduction of the upcoming speakers.) |
31.01.2017 | Gießen | David Franklin Technical University Munich |
Feedforward and feedback learning in sensorimotor control |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
07.02.2017 | Parisa |
Journal Club (Introduction of the upcoming speakers.) | |||
21.02.2016 | Aarlenne Khan University of Montreal, Canada |
Attention during eye and arm movements |
Paper Recording |
Parisa |
Summer Term 2016 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
05.04.2016 | Kate Merrit | Introduction of the upcoming speakers. | |||
12.04.2016 | Grant Application Workshop |
19.04.2016 | Andrew Pruszynski Western University, Canada |
Geometric feature extraction starts in the skin not in the brain | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
26.04.2016 | Friederike Seyfried Scott Murdison |
Introduction of the upcoming speakers. |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 |
03.05.2016 | Steve Scott Queens University, Canada |
The computational and neural basis of voluntary motor control and planning |
Recording |
10.05.2016 | Gießen | Ivan Toni Donders Nijmegen |
Goal-oriented and mind-oriented movements | Recording |
Friederike Seyfried |
17.05.2016 | St. Pete | VSS | |||
24.05.2016 | Fabian Helm Ada Le |
Introduction of the upcoming speakers. |
Paper |
31.05.2016 | Gießen | Natalie Sebanz CEU, Budapest |
How t(w)o act together: Planning, coordination, and learning in joint action. |
Recording | Fabian Helm |
07.06.2016 | Mathias Niemeier University of Toronto, Canada |
Right-dominant mechanisms underlying spatial attention and visual awareness. |
Paper |
Ada Le | |
14.06.2016 | Constanze Schmitt Tobias Möhler |
Introduction of the upcoming speakers. |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 1 |
21.06.2016 | Marburg | Ruffin van Rullen CerCo, Toulouse |
Perceptual cycles and waves. | Recording |
Constanze Schmitt |
05.07.2016 | Gießen | Martin Eimer Birbeck University of London |
Attention and working memory in touch and vision. |
Recording | Tobias Möhler |
12.07.2016 | IRTG retreat |
Winter Term 2015/16 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
October 27, 2015 |
tba |
tba | Introduction of the next week's speaker (Jason Gallivan) |
November 03, 2015 |
Jason Gallivan Queens University |
Representation of action-related information in visual cortical areas. | Recording |
November 10, 2015 |
Ezgi Arikan |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Patrick Haggard) | |||
Thursday, November 19, 2015 |
Hörsaal (Lecture Hall) Renthof 7 EG 00003 Marburg |
Patrick Haggard University College London |
Multisensory interactions and bodily self-awareness. | Paper Recording |
November 24, 2015 |
Gießen | Alexandra Lezkan Adam Zabicki |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Michael Wiertlewski) Multivariate Analysis of Imagined and Executed Handmovements (Progress report) |
Recording |
December 01, 2015 |
Gießen | Michael Wiertlewski Aix-Marseille Université |
The role of friction in tactile rendering of natural scenes. |
Recording |
December 08, 2015 |
Lucilla Cardinali |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Jörn Diedrichsen) | Paper |
December 15, 2015 |
Jörn Diedrichsen Western University |
General lecture on motor representations and optimal control. | Recording | ||
January 12, 2016 |
Gießen | Anna Heuer Friederike Seyfried Constanze Schmitt |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Bernhard Hommel) tba (Progress report) tba (Progress report) |
Recording Recording |
January 19, 2016 |
Marburg | Bernhard Hommel Leiden University |
The Theory of Event Coding: Representing things, actions, and people. |
Paper Recording |
January 26, 2016 |
Marburg |
tba Dennis Koch |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Mazyar Fallah) Rewarding stimulus features in contextual cueing: a study on overt attention (Progress report) |
Recording |
February 02, 2016 |
Mazyar Fallah York University |
Feature Integration in the Dorsal Stream | Paper |
February 09, 2016 |
Stefanie Müller |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Pieter Medendorp) |
February 16, 2016 |
Gießen | Pieter Medendorp Radboud University |
Multimodal processing in spatial constancy and motor planning. |
Seminar - summer term 2015 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
April 21, 2015 |
Gießen |
Mariann Oemisch Christian Wolf |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Lauren Sergio) Project Presentation: A mass-density model can explain the size-weight illusion |
Recording |
April 28, 2015 |
Lauren Sergio York University |
Assessing function pre-dementia and post-concussion using cognitive-motor integration |
Paper Recording |
May 5, 2015 |
Marburg |
Ben Chang Karén Wilhelm |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Brian Corneil) Project Presentation: Pupillomotor patterns as an early direction prediction in neurodegenerative diseases |
May 12, 2015 |
Brian Corneil Western University |
Through the looking glass: reflections of sensory and cognitive processing in the motor periphery. | Paper Recording |
May 19, 2015 |
None for VSS (Conference of the Vision Sciences Society) |
May 26, 2015 |
Gießen |
Ashley Parr Michael Vesker |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Randy Flanagan) Project Presentation: Development of Emotion Perception |
Recording |
June 2, 2015 |
Randy Flanagan Queens University |
Representing objects and actions when interacting with the world | Paper 1 Paper 2 Recording |
June 9, 2015 |
None for retreat | ||||
June 16, 2015 |
None for retreat | ||||
June 23, 2015 |
Gießen |
Tobias Möhler | Introduction of the next week's speaker (Humboldt University of Berlin) | ||
June 30, 2015 |
Gießen |
Dr. Martin Rolfs Humboldt University of Berlin |
Active visual memory: The impact of saccades beyond sensory stages of visual encoding | ||
July 7, 2015 |
Marburg |
Miriam Steines |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (University College London) Project Presentation: The neural correlates of perceiving and producing emotional facial expressions in subjects with increased risk for schizophrenia |
July 9, 2015 |
Gießen Room C27 |
Kurt Debono, SR Research |
Berufskundliches Seminar / Seminar on career paths within and outside academia "Working at SR Research after the PhD: a personal experience" |
July 14, 2015 |
Marburg |
Dr. Karl Friston University College London |
I am therefore I think | Paper Recording 1 Recording 2 |
Seminar - winter term 2014/15 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
October 14, 2014 |
Marburg | Stefan Dowiasch | Introduction of the next week's speaker (David Melcher) |
Paper 1 | |
October 21, 2014 |
Marburg | Prof. Dr. David Melcher University of Trento, Italy |
Non-retinotopic visual perception: why the world is stable when we move our eyes. |
Part 1 Part 2 |
Frank Bremmer |
October 28, 2014 |
Giessen | Theresa Gerhard Immo Schütz |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Alexandra Reichenbach) |
November 04, 2014 |
Giessen | Dr. Alexandra Reichenbach University College London, UK |
Neural implementation of visually-guided action in the human brain | Recording |
Katja Fiehler |
November 11, 2014 |
Marburg | Dr. Anna von Hopffgarten Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Journal: Gehirn und Geist |
Berufskundliches Seminar / Seminar on career paths within and outside academia Jobs outside academia: Science journalism for 'Spektrum der Wissenschaft’ |
Recording | Frank Bremmer |
November 18, 2014 |
Giessen | Fabian Helm Dmytro Velychko |
Introduction to next week's speaker (Moritz Grosse-Wentrup) |
Paper 1 |
November 25, 2014 |
Marburg | Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen |
Brain-Computer Interfacing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Recording | Dominik Endres |
December 02, 2014 | Giessen |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Antje Nuthmann) |
December 09, 2014 | Marburg | Dr. Antje Nuthmann University of Edinburgh |
On the 'Where' and 'When' of Eye Guidance in Scene Viewing |
Recording |
Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer |
December 16, 2014 |
Wedn. December 17, 2014 10.15 a.m. |
Marburg SR 0006, Dept. Neurophysics, Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 8 a |
Dr. Jonas Knöll, University of Texas at Austin |
Berufskundliches Seminar / Seminar on career paths within and outside academia Visual motion processing during continuous naturalistic behaviors |
Recording 1 Recording 2 |
Frank Bremmer |
Thu. December 18, 2014 |
Marburg | Prof. Dr. Tobias Teichert University of Pittsburgh |
Berufskundliches Seminar / Seminar on career paths within and outside academia Optimal Decision-making in Human and Non-human Primate |
Frank Bremmer | |
January 6, 2015 |
Giessen | Vivan Paulun | Introduction of the next week's speaker (Gavin Buckingham) |
Paper | |
January 13, 2015 |
Giessen | Dr. Gavin Buckingham Heriot Watt University |
Errors, expectations, perception, and action | Recording | Karl Gegenfurthner & Roland Fleming |
January 20, 2015 |
Marburg | Anna Heuer Jing Chen |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Doug Munoz) |
Recording 1 Recording 2 |
January 27, 2015 |
Marburg | Prof. Doug Munoz Queen’s University |
Using eye movements to investigate brain function and dysfunction |
Recording 1 Recording 2 |
Frank Bremmer |
February 03, 2015 |
Giessen | Dmytro Velychko Mathias Klinghammer Fabian Helm |
Introduction of the next week's speaker (Rouwen Canal-Bruland) |
Paper |
February 10, 2015 |
Giessen | Dr. Rouwen Canal-Bruland VU Amsterdam |
Action, perception & cognition - a movement science perspective |
Recording | Joern Munzert |
February 17, 2015 |
Marburg SR 0006, Dept. Neurophysics, Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 8 a |
The Effect of Multisensory Prediction on the Perception of One's Own Actions |
Seminar - summer term 2014 |
When | Where | Speaker | Title | Materials | Host |
April 8, 2014 |
Gießen | Introduction of next week's speakers (Stefan van der Stigchel & Melissa Vo) | |||
April 15, 2014 | Gießen | Dr. Stefan van der Stigchel University Utrecht |
Eye movement trajectories and what they tell us | Paper 1 Paper 2 |
Katja Fiehler |
April 22, 2014 |
--- | --- | |||
SR 0006, Dept. Neurophysics, Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 8 a |
Dr. Melissa Vo Harvard Medical School |
Why looking AT an object does not always help looking FOR it: The influence of memory on visual search and vice versa. |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Recording |
Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer | |
May 6, 2014 |
B. Ezgi Arikan | Introduction of speakers of following weeks (Richard Carson & Günther Knoblich) |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 |
May 13, 2014 | Gießen | Prof. Richard Carson Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience |
Acute neural adaptations associated with cross education of human motor function |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 |
Jörn Munzert |
May 20, 2014 |
--- | --- | |||
May 27, 2014 |
35037 Marburg, Hörsaal, Renthof 7, EG R-Nr: 00003 |
Prof. Guenther Knoblich Central European University Budapest |
Coordination mechanisms in joint action |
Recording |
Tilo Kircher |
June 3 to June 6, 2014 |
Wildbad Kreuth | Retreat | |||
June 10 |
--- | --- | |||
June 17, 2014 |
Gießen, Room F318 (Otto-Behaghel- Str. 10F) |
Vivian Paulun Peter Veto |
Effects of Visually Perceived Material Properties on Grasping & Effects of action on bistable perception: Re-learning contingencies |
July 01, 2014 | Talk was adjourned to September | ||||
July 8, 2014 |
Gießen | Mathias Klinghammer | Introduction of next week's speaker (Tobias Meilinger) | Paper 1 | |
July 15, 2014 | Marburg 16.15 - 17.45 h |
Dr. Tobias Meilinger Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics |
Navigation in cities and buildings | Recording | Katja Fiehler |
September 2, 2014 |
Marburg | Stefan Dowiasch | Introduction of next week's speaker (Markus Lappe) |
September 9, 2014 |
18 - 20 h Marburg, Lecture Hall Renthof 7 |
Prof. Markus Lappe Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Eye position dependence of sccadic adaptation | Recording Paper 1 |
Frank Bremmer |
Seminar - winter term 2013/14 |
When | Where | Who | Title | Materials | Host |
Dec 3, 2013 | 18 - 19 Renthof 5, kl. Hörsaal, FB Physik, 35037 Marburg 19 - 22 Restaurant KOSTBAR, 35037 Marburg, Barfüßerstr. 7 |
All members of the IRTG | Kick-off meeting IRTG 1901 | ||
Dec 10, 2013 | Marburg1 | Miriam Steines Introduction of next week’s speaker |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 |
Dec 17, 2013 | Marburg | Prof. Dr. med. Ferdinand Binkofski RWTH Aachen |
Cognitive embodiment and abstract language | Tilo Kircher | |
Jan 7, 2014 | Giessen2 | Mathias Klinghammer | Introduction of next week’s speaker (Jeroen Smeets) | Paper 1 Paper 2 |
Jan 14, 2014 | Giessen | Prof. Dr. Jeroen Smeets Fac Human Movem Sci, Amsterdam, NL |
How our movements reveal that perception is fragmented |
Link to recording | Katja Fiehler |
Jan 21, 2014 | Marburg 18.00 CET sharp |
Stefan Dowiasch & Svenja Marx |
Introduction of next week’s speaker (Fred Hamker) & Presentation of PhD-projects |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 |
Jan 28, 2014 | Giessen 18.00 CET sharp |
Theresa Gerhard Immo Schütz Tobias Möhler |
Introduction of next week’s speaker (Geert Savelsbergh) & Presentation of PhD-projects: "Visuo-Spatial Reference Frames in Immediate and Delayed Reaching" "Visual attention is not exclusively bound to the saccade goal: Effects of spatial congruency on visual discrimination and saccadic curvature in a dual-task paradigm." & "Modulation of reach trajectory by memorized, past, and perceptual distractors" |
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 |
Feb 4, 2014 | 35037 Marburg, Hörsaal, Renthof 7, EG R-Nr: 00003 |
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Fakultät Informatik, TU Chemnitz |
A neuro-computational account of corollary discharge for the perception of visual stability across eye movements | Link to recording | Frank Bremmer |
Feb 11, 2014 | Giessen | Prof. Dr. Geert Savelsbergh University of Amsterdam, NL |
Motor learning requires mastering of perceptual degrees of freedom | Link to recording | Gudrun Schwarzer |
1If not noted otherwise, seminars are scheduled for 18.00h to 20.00h (CET).
Seminars in Marburg take place in: SR 0006, Dept. Neurophysics,
Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 8 a
2Seminars in Giessen take place in: Phil I, Otto- Behaghel-Str. 10, Raum E6