Ariane Wenz

Ariane Wenz
Markus Farnung

Koordination Französisch

Contact information

+49 6421 28-22170 +49 6421 28-25157 ariane.wenz@staff 1 Biegenstraße 12
35032 Marburg
B|03 Verwaltungsgebäude (Room: 030 resp. 00/0300)

Organizational unit

Philipps-Universität Marburg Sprachenzentrum (SZ)

Office hours during term time

Monday      08:30 a.m. - 09:30 a.m. (on site)
Thursday   10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (on site)

Cancellation of office hours and absence:
- From October 05 until October 16, 2020, there WILL BE NO office hours

Office hours during term break:
From August 24, 2020, office hours will be held at the following times:
Mondays 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (on site)
Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (on site)

and by appointment arranged via email (please include your phone number in your email).

Hint: In case of inaccurate personal data, please inform the appropriate Personnel Data Agent.
1 The email addresses are only selectable in the intranet. To complete an email address, merge following string "" or "" to the end of the email address.