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Obtaining ECTS Points through Tandem Learning

The Language Center can give you 1 or 2 ECTS points for regular tandem learning activity over the course of a semester. Please note that the pre-requisite for this is that you have language skills at an A2 level. (Find out at your department whether these can be recognized as ECTS points counting towards a module in your degree program). As far as the Language Center is concerned, there are the following requirements:

  • Participation in a 90-minute information session on obtaining ECTS points at the start of the tandem (typically in the first few weeks of the semester). Alternatively, you can take part in a counselling session tandem language learning with Elisa Saresera or Lilith Schultheis during their office hours or by appointment. It is reasonable, however not required, for both partners to take part in the counselling.
  • A total of 14 or 28 hours (depending on the number of ECTS points) of individual tandem work, recorded and reflected on in a learning log (PDF). The log can be kept in German or English if German is not your native language.
  • A consultation session after 3-4 hours of tandem learning on the basis of the log kept to that point (with your own notes and materials). Key points: how realistic are the goals you set for each session? To what degree do the tandem activities help you move closer to these goals?
  • The writing of an Experience Report(PDF).
  • A final consultation by appointment with the abovementioned advisors. Please submit your learning log one week in advance, along with your own notes, worksheets and a description of a “homemade” tandem activity by (this will help expand the pool of tandem activities on this site). For your proposal, please use this template and send the completed PDF file by .

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in obtaining ECTS-points through tandem learning, please send us an .

If you are compiling a transcript of records and wish to list the completed tandem, the number for the summer semster 2024 is 99090 03303. The number for the winter semester 2024/25 is 99090 13303.