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Introductory Sessions and Workshops

For each type of session, you will need to register beforehand. Please understand that workshops may be canceled if there is an insufficient number of registrations. In the event that an introductory or information session is fully booked, please send us an so that we can offer you alternatives.

Measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) during on-site events

All on-site events of the language tandem programme take place in the Self-Study Center, which developed the hygiene concepts together with the Work Safety Department of the University of Marburg for these events. For more detailed information, please, refer to the following document. To provide the latest information we refer to the Webpage of the University of Marburg.

Introductory sessions

Introductory sessions on language tandems: The next introductory session will take place on Thursday, May 2nd 2024 at 6:15pm.

Please register here.

The next introductory session will take place at the beginning of the winter term 2024/25.

Information sessions

Tandem learning for credit: The next information session will take place on Monday, May 6th 2024 at 6:15pm.

Please register here.

The next information session will take place at the beginning of the winter term 2024/25.

Workshops for all tandem learners!

Workshop: Useful Ideas and Tips for your Language Tandem: The next workshop will take place on Thursday, June 6th 2024. If you'd like to participate, we kindly ask to register online until June 3th so we can organize everything accordingly. If you have missed this due date, please register online anyways.

Please register here.

The next workshop will take place at the beginning of the winter term 2024/25.


  • What material can I use in a language tandem?
  • How can we correct each other’s errors?
  • How can I improve my listening comprehension through a language tandem? How can films be of use to me?
  • How can texts be of use to me in order to improve my reading comprehension?

You can take part as a pair of tandem partners or as “half a tandem pair”.