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Pre-Sessional Intensive Course German as a Foreign Language


  • Before the winter semester 2024/25
    09 September–04 October 2024
    Placement starts 18 July

  • Before the winter semester 2024/25
     10 March - 04 April 2025

  •  A1-B2 level courses
  • Four weeks - 80 lessons
  • Morning courses (Afternoon only with exception)
  • 6 ECTS points
  • Placement test required
For a flyer with further details about course contents and credits, please click:      HERE
  • Information about the groups, teachers and rooms
  • In which group am I?

Our four-week German classes just before the beginning of the semester will give you a head start into student life at Philipps-Universität:

  • a young team of teachers will help you find your feet in the new surroundings,
  • we will make you familiar with German academic conventions,
  • you will learn to cope, both linguistically and culturally, with important aspects of every-day and academic life in Marburg.

Please note:

  • These classes are exclusively for students who are coming to Philipps-Universität for their year abroad and for international MA-students! New students take precedence over those already settled in Marburg.
  • Information about winter semester 2024 on all semester classes will go online on 1 July 2024. 

 If you want to take part in a pre-sessional course

  • All program students (ERASMUS, Overseas and Free Mover) register via the International Office;
  • MA students and doctoral candidates please contact Ms Astrid Burmester (address below) by 19 July 2024 if possible: please state your name, gender, date of birth, mother tongue, approximate level of German, nationality and field of study and send a copy of your admission to Philipps-Universität.
  • Placement: The placement test and a questionnaire will be sent to all registered exchange students on 22 July 2024.  
    Those who do not return the questionnaire by 29 July will not be guaranteed a place in the language course.
  • The course fee must be paid by bank transfer before the start of the course. You will receive further information when the placement results are announced by email. 

Please make sure to inform us in the event that you registered for a class but cannot participate after all. 


Astrid Burmester