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Placement Procedure German as a foreign language

A) Information about Placement Intensive Course September 2024

Who must take an assessment?
  • All students and members of the Philipps-Universität who have not yet been classified by the Language Centre.
  • Applicants without no university account are not admitted to the intensive course.
How can I take the assessment?
  • The placement test for German as a foreign language is a C-Test.
  • You will also be asked to complete a survey.
How does the C-Test look like?
  • It contains 5 short texts with gaps that need to be filled so that the texts make sense.
  • You can try out this format by doing a short anonymous sample test.
When does the assessment take place? 18 July 2024 –29 July 2024      (Late entry alternative date: 27.08.-02.09.2024)

B) Link to C-Test and the survey

 You can try out this format by doing a short anonymous sample test.

Attention:   Course registration is only possible if the test   AND   the survey have been completed.

Please send the survey to:  

C) Information about Placement results

You can access your final placement test result   HERE.
Next to the score is a link to the course offer for the semester. After the intensive course you can continue on a higher level.
The registration for our summer semester courses will be possible from Wednesday 16th of October 2024 at 6 pm.

If your test result is ambiguous, you will see a question mark ("?"). 
This means that we need to talk to you for a valid placement, and we will invite you to a video conference.
 You will get the precise date and the link for the conference via email. You can also visit me in my office.