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Doctoral completion Scholarships from Philipps-Universität Marburg

The doctoral completion scholarships are intended to support particularly qualified doctoral candidates in completing their qualification work if no other funding is available.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen How is funding provided?
Doctoral completion candidates from all academic disciplines represented at Philipps-University Marburg who will be submitting their dissertation to a department at Philipps-University Marburg are eligible to apply. Doctoral candidates who have been accepted as doctoral candidates at Philipps-Universität and are registered in the Marvin portal are therefore eligible to apply. Doctoral candidates in medicine who are pursuing the Dr. med. and Dr. dent. degrees are not eligible to apply for this funding.
The aim is to award the scholarships with a weighting of 50 per cent humanities and social sciences and 50 per cent life and natural sciences.
Doctoral students receive a basic monthly amount of EUR 1,650,00. In addition, a material allowance of EUR 100,00 and, if applicable, a child allowance of EUR 400,00 for the first child and EUR 100,00 for each additional child will be paid.
Applications are only possible for current calls for applications.
Completion scholarships are awarded for a maximum of six months.
Retroactive funding is also possible from the beginning of the year at the earliest, i.e. from 1. January of the calendar year 2025.
The dissertation must be submitted by the end of the funding period; funding after submission is not possible, i.e. the funding period ends with the submission of the written work to the department. Unfortunately, it is not possible to receive funding until the dissertation defence has been completed. Unfortunately, funding is not possible until the disputation is completed.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen What is not funded?
The aim is to support the completion of doctoral projects whose funding has expired and which cannot be completed without funding. For this reason, a completion scholarship is only awarded if applicants do not (or no longer) receive any other scholarship from public or private funds.
Doctoral candidates in medicine who are aiming for a Dr med. (dent.) are not eligible to apply.
Supplements for study abroad are not paid.
Doctoral projects cannot be funded if they are not completed within six months of the start of funding.
These scholarships are designed as completion scholarships, i.e. the funding format does not address people who are at the beginning of their doctorate. Unfortunately, MARA does not have a suitable programme for funding the entire doctoral phase or the initial phase of a doctorate. If you are looking for alternative scholarship programmes and funding formats, you will find two links here: ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Further information
Funding is based on the Guidelines for awarding completion scholarships for doctoral students at Philipps-University.
The Committe for completion scholarships decides on the applications received according to the criteria linked here.
During the funding period, doctoral candidates are required to invest their labour primarily in the completion of their dissertation. For this reason, part-time academic work during the funding period is only possible up to a maximum of 10 hours per week (on average).
Income from remunerated work in research and teaching at the university or a non-university research institution of up to 10 hours per week in support of the academic work will not be taken into account. Other income from self-employment and other employment as well as transitional allowances (gross income) and income from the scholarship holder's assets will be taken into account if they exceed the exemption limit of EUR 500,00 on average per month during the scholarship period.
A written final report must be submitted no later than four weeks after completion of the scholarship.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Current call for applications
The doctoral completion scholarships are currently not advertised. Unfortunately, no applications can be accepted outside of the official call for applications.
The next call for applications will probably take place in the winter semester 2025/26.
You will be automatically informed of each new call for applications via the university's e-mail distribution lists.
Dr. Jan-Paul Klünder
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 21299