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Habilitation Scholarships

Three women sitting and reading a book
Photo: Felix Wesch

From 2025, habilitation completion scholarships for women can again be awarded from the funds of the new professor program. The exact application period has not yet been determined, but as always you will be automatically informed via the university's email distribution list.

Funds from the federal and state government's programme for female professors are used to award grants for final theses on habilitations to continue an academic career.

In this way, Philipps-Universität Marburg aims to make a contribution to increasing the representation of female academics on the path to professorship and thus to the sustainable integration of women into the academic system through targeted interdisciplinary support for women.

The habilitation completion grants are intended to support particularly qualified female postdocs in completing their qualification work if no other funding is available.

MARA coordinates the awarding of the habilitation completion grants in cooperation with the Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers. The "Equal Opportunities Scholarships" committee, which is made up of elected members of the MARA Board of Directors, decides on the allocation of funding.

Members Committee for Equal Opportunity Scholarships MARA (PDF)

  • How is funding provided?

    Applications are open to female postdoctoral researchers who will soon be submitting their  habilitation to a department at Philipps-Universität Marburg.

    Female postdoctoral researchers receive a basic monthly allowance of EUR 1,750. In addition, an allowance for material costs (103.00 EUR) and, if applicable, a child allowance will be paid.

    The final scholarships are awarded for a maximum of six months 
    Retroactive funding is also possible from the beginning of the year at the earliest, i.e. from 1 January of the calendar year.

    The habilitation must be submitted by the end of the funding period; funding after submission is not possible, i.e. the funding period ends with the submission of the written thesis to the department.

  • What is not funded?

    These scholarships are designed as completion scholarships, i.e. the funding format does not address people who are at the beginning of their postdoc phase.

    The scholarships are funded by the Federal and State Professorships Programme and serve to promote equal opportunities for women.

    No foreign allowances are paid

  • Further hints

    Funding is based on the guidelines of Philipps-Universität for the awarding of gender equality scholarships and positions for young female academics from the federal and state professorship programme.

    The Equal Opportunities Scholarships Committee decides on the applications received in accordance with the criteria linked here.

    A final written report must be submitted no later than four weeks after completion of the funding programme.

    The aim is to support women whose funding is coming to an end, which is why a final scholarship is only awarded if applicants do not (or no longer) receive any other scholarship from public or private funds.

    Income from employment, capital gains and transitional allowances (gross income) are taken into account. However, part-time academic work during the funding period is possible up to a maximum of 10 hours per week.

  • Current calls for application

    The exact application period has not yet been determined, but as always you will be automatically informed via the university's email distribution list.


Dr. Jan-Paul Klünder
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 21299