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Student Assistant-Fund to Support Doctoral Students and Postdocs at Philipps-Universität Marburg

Young researchers who take over the care of their children or other relatives are particularly exposed to multiple burdens. We want to support these individuals in their research activities.
If you have family commitments, you can apply for funding for a student assistant (20 hours for a maximum of 6 months) who support you in your research project. Within the framework of MARA's Student Assistant-Fund, up to 15 young scientists with family responsibilities can be funded.
Scope and duration of funding
The support of a student assistant is funded with 20 hours per month over a period of max. 6 months. (Costs correspond to a student assistant with degree).
Funding criteria
Applications can only be submitted by doctoral students and postdocs of Philipps-Universität Marburg who take on family responsibilities (childcare and / or other care giving tasks).
Applications from individuals who hold a permanent position or who currently have their own third-party funding (personnel or material resources for auxiliary staff) or who did so in the year 2024 will not be considered.
Applications must include:
1. brief project outline
2. brief description of how your family responsibilities/your disability or chronic illness has affected your research
3. description of the extent to which the student assistant supports your research project (+short work plan of the student assistant)
In your application, please be sure to indicate a cost center (Kostenstelle) to which the fund can be transferred (usually that of your doctorate supervising office, institute or department).
Applications for the Student Assistant-Fund to support doctoral students and postdocs with family responsibilities should be sent by e-mail to:
For any further questions please contact the managing director of MARA, Dr. Ines Braune (, phone: 06421/2826141)
The application period ends on 6. December 2024.
Decisions will be made on the basis of the files. In the event of a high number of applications the decision will be made by lot. Individuals who have already received assistance from the Fund may reapply, but will be given secondary consideration if the number of applicants is too high.
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Please follow the structure below when submitting your application. If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Ines Braune.
1. personal details
Salutation, title, surname, first name, date of birth, place of birth
2. private address
Street, house number, zip code, city, telephone, e-mail
3. details of qualification
Are you a doctoral candidate or postdoc? Are you employed on a temporary or permanent basis? Are you funded by a scholarship?, department, institute, supervisor, planned completion of the qualification thesis
4. Details of the cost center to which the funding is to be transferred (in the case of funding)
Cost center number (must begin with a 1), cost center owner
5. Are you a member of MARA?
6. Briefly present your research project (maximum 1000 characters).
7. Briefly describe how your disability/illness has affected your research (maximum 1000 characters).
8. Give a scientifically justified description of the extent to which the student assistant supports your research project + short work plan of the student assistant (maximum 1000 characters).
9. I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided and confirm that I did not have or do not have my own third-party funds (personnel funds or material resources for assistants) in the calendar year 2024
or have at my disposal.
Please enclose a copy of your employment contract with Philipps-Universität Marburg or the notification of approval for the scholarship and a copy of the birth certificate or a copy of the care level.
Please send the documents to:
Dr. Ines Braune
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 26141