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Travel Assistance

Map of Europe with a pen of the university
Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

MArburg University Research Academy (MARA) generally awards travel assistance twice a year to its doctoral candidate members and postdocs. For example, you may apply for travel to conferences, field visits, and visits to archives if no other funding opportunities are available.

For application to MARA travel assistance please note the following: 

Proof of application to another institution must always be submitted. Applications will
not be processed without proof that you have already applied for funding from another
institution (only exception see ‘c)‘ below).
Please therefore always enclose the following with your application to MARA:
a) Refusal by another institution (especially DAAD, if a suitable program is available) or
b) proof that application has been submitted but has not yet been decided on.
c) If application to another institution (e.g. DAAD, foundations) is not possible, please be
sure to explain this in the application form and provide meaningful supporting
documents. It must be evident that the applicants have sought funding from other

Particularly relevant in this context is the reference to the DAAD conference travel program, for which applications must be received no later than 4 months (120 days) before the start of the event. If you would like to attend a conference abroad, be sure to apply well in advance. 

By submitting your abstract for an international conference, you can apply directly to the DAAD. This is possible at any time. Your abstract does not have to be accepted yet!
The DAAD only requires a completed application form, your CV with publication list, the abstract and an academic transcript. Everything else can be submitted later.

Afterwards, you are welcome to apply  to the current call for travel assistance at MARA. Applications to MARA for trips abroad are inadmissible if a possible DAAD application is not submitted, is not formally submitted correctly or is submitted late. These applications will be rejected.

  • Tender period

    The call dates are usually in spring and autumn. Information on current calls for applications can be found further down on this page. You will also be automatically informed of every MARA call for applications via the Philipps University e-mail distribution lists.

  • Funding conditions

    It is important to note that there is only a small budget available for travel allowances each year and that we are therefore unfortunately unable to fund all applications. We ask for your understanding. For this reason, our funding program is designed as a so-called emergency fund or failure funding. This means that MARA only supports scientific trips if no other funding or funding is possible. For you, this means that you must first apply for funding elsewhere (e.g. your department, the DAAD, a foundation, a specialist society, etc.). We ask Begabtenförderungswerke scholarship recipients to inquire with their Begabtenförderungswerk about fixed travel allowances and/or additional assistance for international travel. If your application is rejected there or if there is no funding opportunity at all elsewhere for your specific travel project, you have the option of applying to MARA.

    Should you have already submitted an application for travel assistance elsewhere or be able to apply for such assistance, you are always required to provide proof of such application. If the other entity has not yet decided on granting assistance and all other requirements have been met, MARA may approve travel assistance on the condition that no other funding is granted. If you wish to apply to MARA, please submit a written refusal from the Begabtenförderungswerk.

    • Special rules apply for possible funding of international travel through DAAD programs: Should a corresponding DAAD program exist (see especially the DAAD Kongress- and Vortragsreisenprogramm as well as the Programm für Kurzstipendien für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden), you are expected to first or parallel apply with the DAAD; please supply us with proof of that application. Please note that missing the DAAD application deadline cannot be recognized by MARA as a valid reason for applying. This also applies if the DAAD has declined an application on formal grounds.
      Please note that in some DAAD programs certain application documents – for example, confirmation of acceptance as a speaker, verification of the amount of the conference fee, or a letter from your advisor – may be submitted later so that you can first submit an application without these documents. Please review the corresponding DAAD conditions for application thoroughly before concluding that you cannot apply for the programs in question.
    • It is obligatory that no travel warning has been issued by the Federal Foreign Office or the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for the destination of the planned journey.

  • What can be promoted?

    Your travel must be related to your respective doctoral or research project. A travel assistance is then available for

    A) International travel:

    • Travel to conferences (only if applicant is contributing to the conference)
    • Travel for academic collaboration (also summer schools and similar formats in the interest of academic discourse and not exclusively continuing education)
    • Field research (archive, library, monuments, etc.)

    B) Domestic Travel:

    • Travel to national conferences (only if applicant is contributing to the conference)
    • Travel to international conferences (only if applicant is contributing to the conference)
    • Field research (archive, library, monuments, etc.)

    As part of the travel assistance offered by MARA, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and other expenses such as conference fees can be covered at their actual value.

  • What cannot be promoted?

    Costs for food, including a daily allowance, and costs for books cannot be covered by MARA.

    In principle, all PhD students and post-docs at Philipps University can apply. There is an exception in the case of doctoral candidates in the field of medicine: Medical students obtaining a Dr. med. and dent.  degree are eligible to apply from the second year of the doctorate (the date of enrollment at the department applies here).

    Only one trip per person and call will be sponsored. If you have already received two travel grants from MARA during your doctoral or post-doctoral phase, it is no longer possible to apply.

    Travel from abroad to Germany is not eligible for funding.

    Once an application for a travel allowance has been declined, it cannot be submitted a second time.

    As a result of the Russian attack on Ukraine, Philipps-Universität Marburg and MARA are not promoting any travel to Russia. We are aware of the consequences of these measures and at the same time deeply regret this.

  • How is travel promoted?

    Fundig is available in the amount of 2,000 EUR per applicant and 1,500 EUR per trip during the doctoral and postdoc phase. Only one application for a travel grant can be submitted per person per call.

  • Current calls for application

    The Travel Assistance are currently not advertised. The next call for Travel Assistance has not yet been determined.

    Unfortunately, applications cannot be accepted outside of the official advertisement.

    You will automatically find out about every new call via the university's email distribution lists.

  • Further hints

    Only applications for travel assistance that is currently being offered will be accepted. Please see the current call for applications for details on the application deadline, documents to be submitted, application procedures, and all additional information.

    Please note that the planning and organization of your travel is not done through MARA but through your department. This also applies if you are requesting permission for work-related travel.

  • Further Funding Opportunities

    Below you can find links and references to other funding opportunities for your travel and meeting expenses.

    Databases for funding opportunities:

    Stipendiendatenbank des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes
    focus on scholarships from German organizations, search by discipline and destination country
    Conference funding programme DAAD
    Lecture tour programme DAAD
    ELFI – Servicestelle für Elektronische ForschungsförderInformationen
    comprehensive database, funding opportunities also for projects abroad

    Interdisciplinary funding opportunities:

    Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship
    Postdocs, funding for research abroad (6-24 months)
    DAAD: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.)
    Postdocs of all disciplines, 12 months research trip abroad plus 6 months integration phase in Germany.
    Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund e.V.
    Female Doctoral students and postdocs - travel grants to meetings and conferences
    ERASMUS+ at Philipps Universität Marburg
    Research trips to a foreign university or research institution or a bi-national doctorate
    travel grants in the context of doctoral studies

    Funding opportunities for certain disciplines:

    DStatG Reisekostenzuschuss für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler
    Funding for members of the Society for International Statistics Conferences
    MOVE European Mobility Fellowship
    for doctoral candidates and postdocs of German Society for Extracellular Vesicles (GSEV), travel grants for EU countries (1-3 months)
    Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)
    Travel grants of up to three months to doctoral and postdoctoral students from around the world pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research 
    ∗ Here too, ELFI – Servicestelle für Elektronische ForschungsförderInformation
    has listed various funding opportunities. 


Dr. Jan-Paul Klünder
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 21299