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Academic Groups

What is an academic group? An Academic group is a self-organized working group that shares, supports, and inspires members on a topic.
MARA supports its members to join together and network across disciplines and across the university to form topic-specific academic groups. We want to provide a space where you can set and work on your topics, whether in a regularly scheduled colloquium or in a larger workshop. Different formats are conceivable and desired.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen How does MARA support?
Your working group and its activities will be visible on the MARA website.
MARA advertises your events through the MARA mailing list.
You have the opportunity to apply for conference funding for your ideas.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen What are your advantages?
You expand your profile as a scientist.
You gain experience in self-organized interdisciplinary working groups.
You learn about different formats of scientific exchange.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Application
Please send an informal application to Dr. Ines Braune with the following information: name, institute and contact person of the working group as well as a brief description of the working group's objective and project.
As of now, the following working groups are active:
Academic Group 17 | Marburg Art History Doctoral Forum |
Academic Group 18 | Interdisciplinary Literary Studies Colloquium |
Academic Group 22 | Media Studies Colloquium |
Academic Group 31 | Interpretive Video Analysis (formerly Body and Movement – Qualitative Approaches) |
Academic Group 35 | Open Science Initiative University Marburg |
Academic Group 36 | Academic Language and Academic Communication in German |
Dr. Ines Braune
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 26141