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Welcome Walk

Foto: Anna Diegler

New or curious? During the Welcome Walk, you will get to know other people who are doing their doctorate, working as postdocs and researching at Philipps-Universität, as well as central facilities, important support services and secret corners. We stroll through the Lahntal and conquer the Lahnberge … every now and then. 


October 9,  2024, 14–16 p.m., meeting point: Main entrance Mensa (Lahnberge)

November 19, 2024, 10–12 a.m., meeting point: Main entrance Mensa (Lahntal)


Registration is not required! Passing on the word is expressly encouraged!


Dr. Ines Braune
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 26141