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Welcome Walk


09. October 2024 14:00 – 09. October 2024 16:00
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Main entrance Mensa Lahnberge

Bild Haupteingang Philipps-Universität Marburg
Foto: Anna Diegler

Do you venture to the Lahnberge or do you almost live there? We cordially invite you to the next MARA Welcome Walk. Join us on a walk and get to know other people who are doing their doctorate, working as postdocs and researching at Philipps-Universität, as well as central facilities, important support services and secret corners. You will gain exciting insights into the city, the university and finally into the botanical garden.

Everyone is welcome - no matter how long you have been at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas, network and ask questions. Dr. Ines Braune, head of MARA, will lead the walk and provide valuable tips and information.

 We look forward to meeting you!

Meeting Point: Main entrance Mensa (Lahnberge)

Event Organizer

MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
