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EMF – Leadership and Staff Supervision – In-person event
In this event you will find your individual way of leading people.
11. July 2024
12. July 2024
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Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstraße 11+13, Seminar room 01.0010
Event language: English
Most people who pursue a career in science will sooner or later rise into a leadership role. As an early career academic, you often work in a team and have to deal with different leadership roles. If you are preparing for a career outside of academia, providing leadership will probably also become part of your daily work.
This workshop aims to prepare you for your different roles. We will discuss leadership theories and how they fit in with your experience and environment. An assessment of your leadership style during the workshop will help you find your personal leadership strengths. On the basis of the insights gained, you will develop your own style of leadership that fits your personality and preferences.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- You will be familiar with the most influential leadership theories and their relevance to academic contexts (trainer input, discussion).
- You will be aware of how you witness others’ leadership and how this influences your perception (individual and group work).
- You will know what leadership style suits you and how to use this style beneficially (individual assessment, trainer input, discussion).
- You will form an individual understanding of leadership that is based on your strengths and values (worksheets, discussions).
Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.
July 11, 2024, 9 am–4:30 pm, and
July 12, 2024, 9 am–4 pm
Target group
Postdocs and doctoral candidates from all disciplines
Maximum number of 12 participants
Internal 50 EUR
External 150 EUR

This workshop is a mandatory event of the certifying program "Designing and Managing Research Projects" (EMF). If you are not a participant of the program, you will be on the waiting list until two weeks prior the beginning of the event.
Please register via the external database Campus Events until June 26, 2024.
Please note that registration is always binding. You may cancel your registration up to twelve days before the course begins without providing specific reasons. Thereafter, you will be required to pay the attendance fee even if you do not attend the course.
Please note that you need to register once in our database to use MARA offers.
Dr. Alexander Egeling
Event Organizer
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Program for Postdocs