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Science, Private Economy or Public Administration? – Career Paths after Your Doctorate – Online Event


24. January 2025 09:00 – 24. January 2025 13:00
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Event language: English

After the completion of your doctorate, you might ask yourself how to continue your career: in or outside academia? The first part of the course is devoted to discussing the personal aspects and professional perspectives of both sides and deriving possible decision criteria from these considerations. The second part revolves around some options for presenting oneself in written applications on this basis. In this context, we will address the importance of individual motivation, a variety of qualifications, and the function of academic track records and skills profiles.

Qualification Outcomes

  • You will be familiar with the variety of career paths for postdocs in Germany.
  • You will reflect on your personal preferences, goals, skills, and unique selling propositions.
  • You will be able to adapt your written applications to the respective employers.


Trainer input, group work, plenary discussions


Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.

To participate in the online course you need a PC/laptop with a current browser as well as a headset (or speakers and microphone), a webcam, and a stable Internet connection.


January 24, 2025, 9 am–1 pm

Target group

International doctoral candidates (in the final stage of their project) and postdocs 


Maximum number of 12 participants
Free of charge


Please register until January 9, 2025 using the online registration form.


Dr. Andreas Stützer

Event Organizer

MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Humanities and Social Sciences
