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Introduction to Research Data Management – Project- and Data Management (FAIR Data) – Online Event
20. October 2025 09:00 – 20. October 2025 13:00
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Event language: English
Science is becoming increasingly digital, data-driven, and collaborative. This workshop will provide an overview of methods, platforms, and tools to help you manage your digital data and collaborate more efficiently.
Digital research data is on the rise: Most research projects generate and/or collect digital data, thus requiring researchers to learn how to handle data responsibly and proactively. Not only do we need to manage and annotate our data; we should also preserve our data and make them available for re-use by publishing them in accordance with FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) open data principles.
While data management seems to imply plenty of work and little benefit initially, it does come with considerable personal and practical advantages in the longer term:
- Well-managed and annotated data are easier to sort, retrieve, and understand, thus boosting research efficiency.
- High-quality data management can shield you from accidental data loss.
- Well-managed data may also be an advantage when submitting manuscripts, as data quality just might tip the scales in your favor when acceptance is a close call.
What is more, good research data management is a vital ingredient in fostering open science because sharing your data responsibly makes it available to the scientific community.
Qualification Outcomes
- You will know the basics of research data management.
- You will gain insight into strategies and tools for managing analysis workflows for your research data.
- You will know how to publish your data and, if applicable, your code in line with FAIR principles.
- You will have a clear understanding of the research-data-management and advisory services at the University of Marburg.
There will be a companion workshop focusing on open methods and reproducibility on October 27, 2025. Both courses are an introduction to different aspects of research data management. If you already have more specific questions, you are welcome to get in touch with us directly by e-mailing
Trainer input, group work, plenary discussions & reflection
To participate in the online event, you need a PC/laptop with a current browser (recommended: Chrome or Firefox) as well as a headset (or speakers and a microphone), a webcam, and a stable Internet connection.
Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency or higher is required.
October 20, 2025, 9 am–1 pm
Target group
Doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines
Maximum number of 18 participants
Free of charge
Please register until October 6, 2025 using the online registration form.
This event is offered as part of the MARA "Open Science" program.
Dr. Lydia Riedl
Jonas Tschammer
Event Organizer
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Life and Natural Sciences