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Introduction to Research Data Management – Open Methods and Reproducibility – Online Event


27. October 2025 09:00 – 27. October 2025 13:00
Download event (.ics)


Event language: English

Research data management begins even before the data is collected: A detailed project plan helps to manage research data and make workflows transparent throughout the entire research cycle. Funding organizations often require a detailed data management plan before the start of a project. A reference to published project plans can also be essential for the subsequent publication of your research results. 
For this reason, this workshop will focus on data management plans and pre-registrations for efficient and transparent project management.
Research data management does not end after data collection but also includes the crucial phase of data analysis. We will therefore also focus on the management of data processing and analysis.
By engaging in good project management and describing your entire research workflow transparently and comprehensibly for the scientific community, you not only ensure a high quality of your research but also contribute to open science.

 Qualification Outcomes 

  • You will know how data and code can make your results reproducible.
  • You will be able to formulate data management plans or preregistrations that include the organization, documentation, and storage of data and be familiar with strategies for adhering to these plans.
  • You will be aware of the importance of research data management in the context of open science.
  • You will have a clear understanding of the research-data-management and advisory services at the University of Marburg.

Please also note our free, half-day workshop “Research Data Management- Project- and Data Management (FAIR Data)” on October 20, 2025.
Both events offer an introduction to research data management. If you already have specific questions, we will be happy to advise you personally. Please e-mail at any time.


Trainer input, group work, plenary discussions & reflection


To participate in the online event, you need a PC/laptop with a current browser (recommended: Chrome or Firefox) as well as a headset (or speakers and a microphone), a webcam, and a stable Internet connection.

Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency or higher is required.


October 27, 2025, 9 am–1 pm

Target group

Doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines


Maximum number of 18 participants
Free of charge


Please register until October 13, 2025 using the online registration form. 
This event is offered as part of the MARA "Open Science" program.


Dr. Lydia Riedl
Jonas Tschammer

Event Organizer

MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Life and Natural Sciences
