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There are also opportunities for doctoral candidates to engage in networking outside of MARA, for instance, in the context of THESIS – Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Promovierende und Promovierte e. V. (Interdisciplinary Network for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs), the Promovierenden-Initiative (Doctoral Initiative), GEW-Netzwerk (Network of Education and Science Workers' Union), or Eurodoc.

THESIS - Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Promovierende und Promovierte e. V.

THESIS is an interdisciplinary network for doctoral candidates and postdocs. It consists of regional groups that meet regularly for get-togethers or events. There are also various groups involved in projects on, for instance, higher-education policy, international affairs, or pursuing a doctorate while having children. You can find additional information on the pages of the network THESIS.

Promovierenden-Initiative - Vertretung der Promovierenden der Begabtenförderungswerke

The holders of scholarships from the various Begabtenförderungswerke joined forces in 1999 to form the Promovierenden-Initiative (PI; Initiative of Doctoral Candidates). PI's objectives are to provide its members with information on general developments in higher-education policy and on the situation of doctoral candidates both in general and in the various foundations as well as to promote opinion formation. You can find additional information on the pages of the Promovierenden-Initiative.

GEW Network

In 2002, a group of GEW (Education and Science Workers' Union) members consisting of doctoral candidates and holders of a doctorate established a network for future and current doctoral candidates and doctorate holders from various academic fields. The GEW Doctoral Project Group represents the interests of all members pursuing or holding a doctorate and seeks to play an active role in restructuring the procedures of conferral of a doctoral degree in Germany. Another goal is to promote the development of quality standards and better structured doctoral programs. Moreover, GEW is committed to improving the conditions for pursuing a doctoral degree by organizing a variety of seminars and workshops and issuing an informational brochure. You can find additional information on the page of the GEW Network.


Eurodoc (The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers) is a Europe-wide alliance of doctoral candidates and young scholars. Its objectives are to give this group political voice at the European level, promote the quality of the dissertation phase, provide information on issues of concern to young scholars, and facilitate networking among their national organizations. You can find additional information on the pages of Eurodoc.
