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Peer reviewed (18)

  • Castillejos Sepúlveda A, Gatti LM, Kerl CF, Chennu A, Klatt JM. Arsenic speciation analysis in porewater by a novel colorimetric assay. Science of The Total Environment 2022, 827: 154155
  • Gomes ML, Klatt JM, Dick GJ, Grim SL, Rico KI, Medina M, et al. Sedimentary pyrite sulfur isotope compositions preserve signatures of the surface microbial mat environment in sediments underlying low-oxygen cyanobacterial mats. Geobiology 2022; 00: gbi.12466.
  • Klatt JM, Chennu A, Arbic BK, Biddanda BA, Dick GJ. Possible link between Earth’s rotation rate and oxygenation. Nat Geosci 2021 148 2021; 14: 564–570
  • Merz E, Dick GJ, de Beer D, Grim S, Hübener T, Littmann S, Olsen K, Stuart D, Lavik G, Marchant HK, Klatt JM. Nitrate respiration and diel migration patterns of diatoms are linked in sediments underneath a microbial mat. Environ Microbiol 2020; 1462-2920.15345.
  • Klatt JM, Gomez-Saez G V, Meyer S, Ristova PP, Yilmaz P, Granitsiotis MS, et al. Versatile cyanobacteria control the timing and extent of sulfide production in a Proterozoic analog microbial mat. ISME J 2020; 14: 3024–3037
  • Dick GJ, Grim SL, Klatt JM. Controls on O2 Production in Cyanobacterial Mats and Implications for Earth’s Oxygenation. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 2018; 46: 123–147.
  • Hamilton TL, Klatt JM, de Beer D, Macalady JL. Cyanobacterial photosynthesis under sulfidic conditions: Insights from the isolate Leptolyngbya sp. strain hensonii. ISME J 2018; 12: 568–584.
  • Haas S, de Beer D, Klatt JM, Fink A, Rench RM, Hamilton TL, et al. Low-Light Anoxygenic Photosynthesis and Fe-S-Biogeochemistry in a Microbial Mat. Front Microbiol 2018; 9: 858.
  • Marchant HK, Ahmerkamp S, Lavik G, Tegetmeyer HE, Graf J, Klatt JM, et al. Denitrifying community in coastal sediments performs aerobic and anaerobic respiration simultaneously. ISME J 2017; 11.
  • Klatt JM, Meyer S, Häusler S, Macalady JL, De Beer D, Polerecky L. Structure and function of natural sulphide-oxidizing microbial mats under dynamic input of light and chemical energy. ISME J 2016; 10.
  • de Beer D, Weber M, Chennu A, Hamilton T, Lott C, Macalady J, Klatt JM. Oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis in a microbial mat from an anoxic and sulfidic spring. Environ Microbiol 2016
  • Klatt JM, de Beer D, Häusler S, Polerecky L. Cyanobacteria in sulfidic spring microbial mats can perform oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis simultaneously during an entire diurnal period. Front Microbiol 2016; 7: 1973.
  • Klatt JM, Al-Najjar MAA, Yilmaz P, Lavik G, de Beer D, Polerecky L. Anoxygenic photosynthesis controls oxygenic photosynthesis in a cyanobacterium from a sulfidic spring. Appl Environ Microbiol 2015; 81: 2025–2031.
  • Klatt JM, Haas S, Yilmaz P, de Beer D, Polerecky L. Hydrogen sulfide can inhibit and enhance oxygenic photosynthesis in a cyanobacterium from sulfidic springs. Environ Microbiol 2015; 17: 3301–3313.
  • Klatt JM, Polerecky L. Assessment of the stoichiometry and efficiency of CO2 fixation coupled to reduced sulfur oxidation. Front Microbiol 2015; 6: 484.
  • Behrendt A, Tarre S, Beliavski M, Green M, Klatt JM, de Beer D, et al. Effect of high electron donor supply on dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathways in a bioreactor for nitrate removal. Bioresour Technol 2014; 171: 291–297.
  • Al-Najjar MAA, Ramette A, Kühl M, Hamza W, Klatt JM, Polerecky L. Spatial patterns and links between microbial community composition and function in cyanobacterial mats. Front Microbiol 2014; 5: 406

Other (3)

  • Klatt JM. Mikrobielle Matten als Fenster in die Erdgeschichte. BIOspektrum 2021, 27 (7), 782-782
  • Beer D de, Meyer V, Klatt JM, Li T. Photosynthesis under very high oxygen concentrations in dense microbial mats and biofilms. bioRxiv 2018; 335299.
  • Polerecky L, Klatt JM, Al-Najjar M, De Beer D. Hyper-spectral imaging of biofilm growth dynamics. WHISPERS ’09 - 1st Work. Hyperspectral Image Signal Process. Evol. Remote Sens. 2009.

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