Networking Event of the European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies (EUPeace) Around 300 representatives from the nine partner universities exchanged ideas on academic advancement at online event
Discovery of the first fractal molecule in nature International research team from Max Planck Institute and University of Marburg publishes results in "Nature"
Two researchers from Philipps-Universität receive ERC Advanced Grants Excellent cutting-edge research from indology to microbiology honoured
Carbon dioxide as a raw material for chemical intermediates Research consortium develops climate-neutral production with the help of bacteria isolated from bovine rumen - BMBF funds with 2.6 million euros
How molecular specificity emerges More than "on" and "off": German Research Foundation funds new Emmy Noether Group at Philipps-Universität
Regenerative stem cells as the origin of inflammation-associated intestinal tumours Medical research group finds trigger points for bowel cancer at a young age
LOEWE top professorship for microbiologist Dr. Katharina Höfer State program supports research into how RNA modifications change the metabolism in bacteria with 2.8 million euros
LOEWE top professorship for evolutionary biologist Dr. Georg Hochberg State program supports application for Cluster of Excellence "Microbes-4-Climate (M4C)"
A Hybrid Arrowhead against Immune Disorders A bacterially derived natural product inhibits the cellular immune response in a more targeted manner without blocking the cell's disposal system
Understanding and Treating the Lung Disease COPD Better International conference on September 19 and 20, 2024 in Marburg sheds light on the opportunities for personalized treatment
A sensational observation: A modified amino acid stops the onset of Parkinson’s disease in its early stage International research group publishes two impressive patient cases in Nature Communications
Freight of small vesicles offers new treatment approach for pulmonary fibrosis Now published in JCI Insight
Research team develops innovative method for measuring the conductivity of smart textiles
Marburg iGEM team wins Grand Prize and completes the triple Multidisciplinary team wins international competition for synthetic biology
From Research to Application emergenCITY presents demonstrators on YouTube
New Insights into COPD: Two Biomarkers Allow Risk Assessment at Early Stages of the Disease Marburg Lung Research Advances Diagnosis and Therapy
A meeting place for university talent and employers Career Fair: “Karriere der Vielfalt” (Career of Diversity) on November 28 in Marburg
Katharina Höfer and Johannes Rebelein selected as EMBO Young Investigators Prof. Dr. Katharina Höfer and Dr. Johannes Rebelein have been appointed to the European Molecular Biology Organisation's network of top young European researchers.
New perspectives for breast cancer therapy: Adaptive tumor changes as the key to a better prognosis Study: Tumors change under chemotherapy - new subtypes could improve treatment success
Eye movements as key to improved early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease Marburg medicine and physics combine their expertise in innovative eye-tracking study
Synthetic Carbon Assimilation Surpasses Nature New-to-Nature Pathway Outperforms Natural Pathway in Living Bacteria
Innovative Decision Support System Aims for the Improvement of the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Lung Disease COPD Start of the Clinical Study -Cooperation Project PerMed-COPD Funded with up to Four Million Euros
Cuneiforms: New Digital Tool for Researchers Major milestone reached in digital Cuneiform studies: researchers from Mainz, Marburg, and Würzburg present an innovative tool that offers many new possibilities.