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Good Research Practice

Scientific integrity forms the basis for trustworthy research. [...] The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of research is inseparably linked to a corresponding responsibility. Taking this responsibility into full account and embedding it in individual conduct is an essential duty for every researcher and for the institutions where research is carried out. The research community itself ensures good practice through fair and honest attitudes and conduct as well as organisational and procedural regulations. German Research Foundation [DFG]

The University of Marburg is also committed to these principles and values and regards the safeguarding of good research practice as a central task of all its members and faculty in research and teaching. The focus here is on a culture of scientific and research integrity as an essential factor of the professional ethics of scientists and researchers. Therefore, the university has revised its “Principles and Procedural Rules for Handling Academic/Scientific Misconduct at the University of Marburg” (officially: “Grundsätze und Verfahrensregeln für den Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten an der Philipps-Universität Marburg”), which have been in place since 2011, in accordance with the Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice” as published by the DFG in 2019, from whose preamble the above quotes are taken.

The legally binding implementation of the code has taken place with the adoption of the "Statutes for Ensuring Good Research Practice at the University of Marburg” (officially: “Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis an der Philipps-Universität Marburg”) in April 2022.

The ombudspersons are the points of contact for questions regarding good research practice as well as suspected academic misconduct.