Panel Discussion "The Future of Health Security - Lessons from the Pandemic" On July 11, top experts from medicine, law and sociology will discuss the future challenges of health security at the Landgrafenhaus Marburg.
Peace, Conflict and Security in times of existential crises. Critical, interdisciplinary, and public engangements. International Conference co-organized by the Collaborative Research Center Transregional 138 “Dynamics of Security” and the Anthropology of Peace, Conflict, and Security (APeCS) network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
International Conference "Internationalizing Security - Securitizing the International" International Conference 2023 of the Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security"
Book Launch "Ottoman Passports - Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876–1908", İlkay Yılmaz
Book Launch "Stadtrevier. Polizei und Sicherheit im urbanen Raum", Sabine Mecking and Martin Göllnitz In contrast to the old European tradition of the city as a place of peace, where the "city air" made people free or at least guaranteed freedom from violence, large cities have been regarded as spaces of insecurity not only since the 20th century. However, the often exaggerated image of the "city as Moloch" is extremely blurred. As early as the 18th century, there were police reforms in many European cities that were linked to a security policy discourse on urban space. The articles in this special issue show that the question of whether and how situations are defined as relevant to security as well as the use of specific security repertoires are inextricably linked to the authority and power of the police.
"Staat ohne Souveränität? Das Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" - Public Lecture with Prof. Dr. Dieter Gosewinkel
Book Launch "Russia, China and the Revisionist Assault on the Western Liberal International Order", Gerlinde Groitl
Lecture: Viral Governance - How unilateral US sanctions changed the rules of financial capitalism, Grégoire Mallard
Lecture "Moving the Centre": the Exclusion and Erasure of the Global South in International Security Studies, Dr. Monika Thakur
Book Launch "Befreiungskrieg - Nationsbildung und Gewalt in der Ukraine", Anna Veronika Wendland The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine of 24 February 2022 caused many to perceive Ukraine as a protagonist in European history for the first time. In this book, Anna Veronika Wendland unfolds the entire panorama of Ukrainian history, from the beginnings in medieval Kyiv to the early modern attempts at state-building and the catastrophic experiences of the 20th and 21st centuries. Wars and violence shaped the repeatedly interrupted nation-building of Ukraine just as much as the peaceful phases of coming to terms with neighbours or even profiting from the supremacy of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. In this interplay, the Ukrainians developed their specific constitutional traditions and ideas of freedom - and thus evolved from a peasant nation under foreign masters into a modern, pluralistic industrialised nation.
Poster Workshop Human Rights in Times of Insecurity.pdf
Workshop: Human Rights in times of insecurity On Monday and Tuesday, September 2-3, we will have the occasion to hear about current issues and problems of Human Rights in Times of Insecurity from dear colleagues from JLU Giessen, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Washington, Seattle, and others. We will be discussing questions of universalism, intersectionality, border struggles, limits and possible transgressions of Human Rights and further related topics. On Monday evening, there will be a film screening of Jonathan Warren’s “From the Bottom up/ De Baixo Para Cima”. Please find attached the detailed program on our poster and flyer. Please feel free to circulate the material and invite friends, colleagues and students that might be interested. The event will take place at Senatssaal in the JLU Giessen Main Building in Ludwigstrasse 23. We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Workshop "Human Rights in Times of Insecurity"
Zentrumstage 2024 & Annual Conference "The Historicities of Security and Peace"
Keynote Lecture "Memorializing Peace, Wasting Security: Race and Colonialism in Nuclear Storytelling"
Keynote Lecture "A useful past? Collective memory, security, and international relations"
Workshop "Capitalism and Insecure Positions of Minorities" The subproject C10 "Between Minority Protection and Securitization" invites to the workshop "Capitalism and Insecure Positions of Minorities. Racism, Antisemitism, and Antigypsyism seen through the Lens of Materialist Critique"
Book Launch "Monitoring Pandemic Preparedness" by Carolin Mezes The Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security" invites you to the virtual book launch of Carolin Mezes' monograph "Monitoring Pandemic Preparedness. Global Health's Security's Politics of Accountability, Development, and Infrastructure"
Workshop "Atmospheric Violence"
Evening lecture „Invertierte Zukunft. Apokalypse ohne Eschaton“ The Collaborative Research Center “Dynamics of Security” cordially invites you to an evening lecture by Ulrich Bröckling, Professor of Sociology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
Book Launch "Navigating Faith, Power and Security" by Mario Šain The Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security" invites you to the virtual book launch of Mario Šain's monograph "Navigating Faith, Power, and Security. Securitisation of the Serbian-Orthodox Minority in the Habsburg Monarchy 1690-1740".
Book Launch "Canada and Eastern Europe, 1945-1991" by Andrea Chandler The Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security" invites you to the virtual book launch of Andrea Chandler's monograph "Canada and Eastern Europe, 1945-1991. Meeting in the Middle".
International Conference "Ideas, Concepts and Policies of Sovereignty in the Age of the Cold War, 1945-1990" The subproject C01 "Extended Security – Changes of Statehood after 1970" at the Collaborative Research Center 138 "Dynamics of Security" cordially invites you to participate in the international conference "Ideas, Concepts, and Policies of Sovereignty in the Age of the Cold War, 1945–1990."
Keynote Lecture "The Concept of Sovereignty and Its Uses in History and Historiography” The subproject C01 "Extended Security – Changes of Statehood after 1970" at the Collaborative Research Center 138 "Dynamics of Security" cordially invites you to the keynote lecture of Rüdiger Graf (ZZF)