03.01.2025 Dr. Laura Soréna Tittel publishes her dissertation “Politische Theorie des Antiziganismus” with Transcript!


We congratulate Dr. Laura Soréna Tittel on the publication of her dissertation!
In her monograph “Politische Theorie des Antiziganismus. Genese und Kritik eines modernen Herrschaftsverhältnisses”, which is published in German, she shows the development of modern antiziganism in the Enlightenment, in capitalism and in the formation of states, thus enabling critical perspectives on a social power relationship. Following critical social theory, she combines reflections on the function of the “gypsy” figure in the political theory of Kant, Marx and Adorno with extensive source material, which ranges from early modern legal texts to images used by the police. 
Her dissertation has been published with Transcript-Verlag in the series “Beiträge zur kritischen Antiziganismusforschung” and is available both as a print edition and as an ebook in open access

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