06.06.2024 The Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security" welcomes visiting fellow Monika Thakur

The CRC “Dynamics of Security” welcomes Dr. Monika Thakur as a Visiting Fellow from June to August 2024.

Monika is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Politics at Algoma University (Canada). She works at the intersection of International Relations, International Security and Critical Security Studies, with a particular focus on conflict management, ‘post-conflict’ peacebuilding, necropolitics and everyday forms of violence, as well as the international politics of the Global South (particularly in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia). Monika has expertise in decolonial approaches in International Relations and her research has been published in the areas of international security, conflict and peacebuilding, fragility and forced migration, including the co-authored book, Militias and the Challenges of Post-Conflict Peace: Silencing the Guns.

During her fellowship Monika will be working on a book entitled “Refugee Narratives in the Global South”, and a thinkpiece on decolonial approaches in Critical Security Studies.

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