Main Content
Active and past members
Surname | Name | Status group/Function | Field of work/Subproject |
Aagaard | Hannah | Student Assistant | C08 - Security and Empire |
Allahverdy | Atreju | Research Assistant | B02 - Architectonic and Visually Mediated Conceptions of Security |
Bär | Christina Carlotta | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Beitelschmidt | Moritz | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Benner | Annalina | Student Assistant | A01 - Holding hostage |
Berndt | Katja | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Holding hostage |
Biegota | Jule | Student Assistant | C01 - Advanced Security |
Blömeke | Kalle | Student Assistant | C01 - Advanced Security |
Blüm | Aaron | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Bode | Stephanie | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Bökelmann | Julia | Student Assistant | Integrated Graduate School |
Bömelburg | Hans-Jürgen | Subproject Head | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Bonacker | Thorsten | Subproject Head Spokesperson Member of the Board |
B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Boßhammer | Steffen | Research Assistant | A01 - Holding hostage |
Breimhorst | Simone | Doctoral Candidate | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Brendel | Benjamin | Subproject Head | C01 - Advanced Security |
Broecker | Hannah | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Brünig | Sascha | Doctoral Candidate | C01 - Advanced security |
Bruns | Tobias | Research Assistant | C01 - Advanced security |
Büttner | Bengt | Postdoc | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Burghardt | Kevin | Student Assistant | C05 - Political Security and Economized Infrastructures |
Busch | Anna Sophie | Student Assistant | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Carl | Horst | Subproject Head Deputy Spokesperson |
A01 - Holding hostage B01 - Public peace |
Cau | Elisabetta | Doctoral Candidate | C03 - The 'House' as Security |
Chaouali | Marc | Integrated Graduate School Coordinator | Integrated Graduate School |
Conze | Eckart | Subproject Head Deputy Spokesperson |
A05 - Security against Genocide C01 - Advanced Security |
Csernus-Lukács | Szilveszter | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Danecke | Florian | Doctoral Candidate | A05 - Security against genocide |
Dezfouli-Asl | Farnaz | Doctoral Candidate | A04 - Collective security |
Dietze | Carola | Subproject Head | B04 - Security of the State |
Disselkamp | Leonie | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Distler | Werner | Postdoc | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Dittbern | Chiara | Student Assistant | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Dittrich | Flavia | Student Assistant | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Dolganova | Valentina | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Dragomir | Eneia | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Ebel | Erwin | Student Assistant | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Egle | John | Doctoral Candidate | C03 - The 'House' as Security |
Ehlke | Roxana | Doctoral Candidate | C05 - Political security and economized infrastructures |
Epp | Verena | Subproject Head | A01 - Holding hostage |
Ergorova | Maria | Student Assistant | C05 - Political Security and Economized Infrastructures |
Fahr | Emma | Student Assistant | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Feider | Julian | Student Assistant | C02 - Security, police and urban space |
Felsch | Corinna | Integrated Graduate School Coordinator | Integrated Graduate School |
Fink | Swetlana | Doctoral Candidate | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Frewer | Lena | Doctoral Candidate | B01 - Public peace |
Gaglin | Joshua | Student Assistant | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Gerundt | Monika | Student Assistant | A02 - Crusader states |
Gnodtke | Bella-Jean | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Gnoth | Aidan | Postdoc Spokesperson of the Postdocs |
B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Göllnitz | Martin | Postdoc Deputy Spokesperson of the Postdocs |
C02 - Security, police and urban space |
Grabbe | Tilmann | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Advanced security |
Grosser | Lea | Student Assistant | B02 - Architectural and image media security concepts |
Grothoff | Bastian | Student Assistant | A01 - Holding hostage |
Haas | Philip | Doctoral Candidate | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Halbe | Sebastian | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Holding hostage |
Hallstein (geb. Brehmer) | Simone | Student Assistant | B07 - 'Vindicta' as a security issue |
Hamacher | Kay-Ole | Office Staff | Office and Coordination |
Hansen | Marina | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Holding hostage |
Haselhuhn | Björn | Student Assistant | C01 - Advanced Security |
Haslinger | Peter | Subproject Head Member of the Board |
A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Haus-Rybicki | Sebastian | Doctoral Candidate | C01 - Advanced security |
Hegedüs | Oliver | Doctoral Candidate | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Heinert | Felix | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Hein-Kircher | Heidi | Subproject Head | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Heise | Julius | Doctoral Candidate | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Henkel | Johannes | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Henne | Steffen | Doctoral Candidate | C01 - Advanced security |
Herzog | Richard | Postdoc | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Holland-Moritz | Mira | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Horstmeier | Philipp | Doctoral Candidate | C08 - Security and empire |
Huber | Marie | Postdoc | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Hüsemann | Joel | Doctoral Candidate | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Ivasiuc | Ana | Postdoc | A07 - Between Minority Protection and Securitization |
Iwanov | Iwan | Postdoc | B04 - Security of the State |
Jakob | Mark | Postdoc | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Jansen | Judith Ariane | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Jansen | Nils | Student Assistant | C05 - Political security |
Janzing | Godehard | Postdoc | B02 - Architectural and image media security concepts |
Jur | Lena | Research Assistant | C08 - Security and Empire |
Kampmann | Christoph | Subproject Head Deputy Spokesperson Member of the Board |
A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Karber | Lena | Doctoral Candidate | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Katz | Julian | Postdoc | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Keller | Lukas | Student Assistant | B04 - Security of the State |
Kelly | Hannah | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Ketzmerick | Maria | Doctoral Candidate | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
De Keyser | Nicolas | Doctoral Candidate | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Kindel | Tobias | Doctoral Candidate | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Kindervater | Patrick | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Kirst | Sarah | Managing Director, Scientific Coordinator | Office and Coordination |
Kleinöder | Nina | Subproject Head | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Kleinschmidt | Christian | Subproject Head | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Klier-Franzen | Ines | Coordination | Office and Coordination |
Koch | Marie Sophie | Student Assistant | C10 - Between minority protection and securitization |
Köhler | Karsten | Doctoral Candidate | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Köppl | Natalija | Doctoral Candidate | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Kohlt | Jannis | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Kolarczyk | Karina | Student Assistant | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Koll | Alexander | Doctoral Candidate | A04 - Collective security |
Kost | Lina | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Kramer | Sarah | Research Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Krause | Anja | Doctoral Candidate | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Krause | Katharina | Subproject Head | B02 - Architectural and image media security concepts |
Kreide | Regina | Subproject Head | C10 - Between minority protection and securitization |
Kreutzer | Jonas | Research Assistant | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Krüger | Christine | Postdoc | C02 - Security, police and urban space |
Krüger | Maike | Postdoc | A04 - Collective security |
Krutsch | Daniel | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Kücken | Ezra | Student Assistant | C08 - Security and Empire |
van Laak | Dirk | Subproject Head | C07 - Safety as a seventh sense |
Lang | Michaela | Student Assistant | B02 - Architectural and image media security concepts |
Langbein | Finn | Doctoral Candidate | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Lange | Frederik | Student Assistant | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Langenohl | Andreas | Subproject Head Head of the Integrated Graduate School |
C05 - Political security and economized infrastructures |
Lauterbach | Nora | Student Assistant | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Lenger | Friedrich | Subproject Head | C02 - Security, police and urban space |
Lifchits | Grigori | Student Assistant | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Lim | Il-Tschung | Integrated Graduate School Coordinator | Integrated Graduate School |
Lingert | Jessica | Doctoral Candidate | B02 - Architectonic and Visually Mediated Conceptions of Security: Suburbs |
Loew | Laura | Student Assistant | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Lottholz | Philipp | Postdoc | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Lüders | Liam Joel | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Marauhn | Thilo | Subproject Head | A04 - Collective security |
Mecking | Sabine | Subproject Head | C02 - Security, police and urban space |
Mengelkamp | Lukas | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Meteling | Wencke | Subproject Head | C01 - Advanced security |
Metzger | Aaron | Student Assistant | B01 - Public peace |
Mezes | Carolin | Doctoral Candidate | A08 - Administrating Transnational Health Crises |
Michel | Peter | Head of the Office | Office and Coordination |
Möller | Karoline | Student Assistant | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Mork | Laura-Marie | Student Assistant | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Müller | Andree | IT Manager | Integrated Graduate School |
Münch | Felix | Coordination Integrated Graduate School | Integrated Graduate School |
Müser | Johanna | Doctoral Candidate | B01 - Public peace |
Neiske | Florian | Doctoral Candidate | C08 - Security and Empire |
Nippert | Luise Ingrid Elisabeth | Student Assistant | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Nitz | Eva-Maria | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Advanced security |
Nolte | Amina | Doctoral Candidate | C05 - Political security |
Noske | Sarah | Student Assistant | B01 - Public peace |
Nowak | Kai | Postdoc | C07 - Safety as a seventh sense |
Opitz | Sven | Subproject Head | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Partikel | Rebecca | Research Assistant | B02 - Architectonic and Visually Mediated Conceptions of Security: Suburbs |
Paz | Reut Yael | Postdoc | A04 - Collective security |
Plugge | León | Student Assistant | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Pohl | Lukas | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Portraz | Jan | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Radtke | Erik | Student Assistant | B01 - Public peace |
Rajabov (geb. Wendel) | Anna-Lena | Doctoral Candidate | B07 - 'Vindicta' as a security issue |
Ramisch-Paul | Sebastian | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Ramisch | Franziska | Student Assistant | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Reinle | Christine | Subproject Head | B07 - 'Vindicta' as a security issue |
Reusch | Marius | Doctoral Candidate | B01 - Public peace |
Riedasch | Stefanie | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Holding hostage |
Rösch | Fabian | Doctoral Candidate | A02 - Crusader states |
Rohdewald | Stefan | Subproject Head | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Rometsch | Konstantin | Doctoral Candidate | A05 - Security against genocide |
Šain | Mario | Doctoral Candidate | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Salzer | Tim | Doctoral Candidate | C05 - Political security and financial market stability |
Schaaf | Jakob | Student Assistant | A01 - Holding hostage |
Scheckenbach | Marie | Doctoral Candidate | C03 - House and street |
Schmidt | Felix Maximilian | Student Assistant | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Schönfelder | Anna-Sophie | Doctoral Candidate Deputy Spokesperson of the Postdocs |
C10 - Between minority protection and securitization |
Schreiber | Jana | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Schuffert | Filip Emanuel | Student Assistant | B01 - Public peace |
Schulz | Philip | Doctoral Candidate | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Sebastian | Larissa | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination A04 - Collective security |
Sercan | Emine | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Siebert | Nina | Research Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Simon | Sven | Subproject Head | A04 - Collective security |
Soares | Ana Leticia | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Spanberger | Julia | Student Assistant | C03 - The 'House' as Security |
Spannenberger | Marcel | Doctoral Candidate | C01 - Advanced Security |
Steck | Amelie | Student Assistant | Office and Coordination |
Stenzel | Marie-Christin | Doctoral Candidate | A04 - Collective security |
Stevanin | Johanna Michaela | Student Assistant | C08 - Security and empire |
Stobiecki | Kajetan | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Strobel | Vera | Student Assistant | A04 - Collective security |
Stuchtey | Benedikt | Subproject Head | C08 - Security and empire |
Swart | Erik | Postdoc | B01 - Public peace |
Székely | Tamás | Doctoral Candidate | A06 - Minorities and majorities in East Central Europe |
Szymczyk | Thomas | Doctoral Candidate | C08 - Security and empire |
Tchoula | Charles Bertrand | Doctoral Candidate | C06 - Foreign trade securitization |
Tebruck | Stefan | Subproject Head | A02 - Crusader states |
Teufer | Oliver | Research Assistant | A01 - Holding hostage |
Theis | Julia | Student Assistant | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Theiß | Dennis | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Thijs | Simon | Doctoral Candidate | A01 - Holding hostage |
Tischer | Roman | Student Assistant | A02 - Crusader states |
Tittel | Laura Soréna | Postdoc | C10 - Between minority protection and securitization |
Trampnau | Bjarne | Student Assistant | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Tremmel | Winand | Doctoral Candidate | B01 - Public peace |
Turmann | Karina | Doctoral Candidate | C08 - Security and Empire |
Valerius | Rebecca | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Wächter | Ann-Kathrin | Student Assistant | B07 - 'Vindicta' as a security issue |
Wagner | Polly | Student Assistant | C02 - Security and urban space |
Weber | Sascha | Postdoc | B01 - Public peace |
Weckel | Ulrike | Subproject Head | C09 - Fear of crime? |
Wehn | Max Philipp | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |
Weiand | Kerstin | Postdoc | B03 - Confessional minorities |
Weis | Dorothea | Student Assistant | C02 - Security and urban space |
Weiß | Felix | Doctoral Candidate | A04 - Collective security |
Wengert | Pascal | Student Assistant | Integrated Graduate School |
Wenzel | Christian | Subproject Head | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Werring | Mathilde | Student Assistant | B05 - International trusteeship administrations |
Westermeier | Carola | Subproject Head | C05 - Political security |
Wiegeshoff | Andrea | Subproject Head | C08 - Security and Empire |
Wiesinger | Patrick | Student Assistant | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Wilder-Fehl | Sarah | Doctoral Candidate Spokesperson of the Doctoral Candidates |
C01 - Advanced Security |
Wohner | Paul | Student Assistant | C02 - Security and urban space |
Wolff | Leon | Subproject Head | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Worsch | Annemarie | Student Assistant | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Zieß | Lara | Student Assistant | C12 - The pandemic condition |
Zirker | Franziska | Doctoral Candidate | C12 - The pandemic situation |
Zuschlag | Katharina | Student Assistant | A03 - Dynastic marriage |
Zwane | Ngeti | Associated Member at the IGS | Integrated Graduate School |