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Dr. Ana Ivasiuc

Postdoc in Subproject  A07 - Between Minority Protection and Securitization - Roma Minority Formation and Transformation in Modern European History

Guest researcher

  • Contact

    Justus Liebig University
    Institut für Politikwissenschaft
    Rathenaustraße 8
    Raum 101
    35394 Gießen
    ☎ 0152 51 40 45 37 

  • Vita

    Since 04/2014
    Postdoc researcher SFB/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security, subproject A07

    2011 - 2014
    PhD, National School for Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, coordinator: Vintila Mihailescu.
    Title of the dissertation: Empowering the Roma. Lessons from theDevelopment Practice

    2008 - 2014
    Researcher & Research Coordinator, "Impreuna" Agency for Community Development, Bucharest, Romania

    2004 - 2005
    Master of Arts in Social Sciences, Migration and Interethnic Relations, URMIS, University Paris VII Denis Diderot, Paris, France

    1999 - 2005
    BA & MA in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

  • Research interests

    Roma minority
    Social inclusion policies for the Roma in Europe
    Social change

  • Memberships

    Member of the European Academic Network of Romani Studies, founded by  the Council of Europe and the European Union
    Member of the Center of Resources, Documentation and Research on Roma Issues within the National School for Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania
    Member of the Association of Cultural and Social Anthropologists, Romania

  • Publications

    "Roma Inclusion Policies in EU Member States", European Institute of Romania, in Romanian, summary in English

    "Noi suntem cei mai meseriași”. Construcții identitare ale meșteșugarilor romi (”We are the best”. Identity constructions of Roma craftsmen), in Iancu B. (ed.),
    The material culture (re)turn in anthropology: promises and dead-ends. Works of the 8th annual conference of the Romanian Society of Cultural Anthropology, Bucharest, September 22th-25^th 2011, Bucharest, Humanitas, digital edition, pp. 241-267. (in Romanian)

    Empowerment: Easier Said than Measured, in /Revista de Asistenta Sociala (Journal of Social Work)/ nr. 3/2013

    Romii din Romania: de la țap ispășitor la motor de dezvoltare (The Roma of Romania: From Scapegoat to Development Engine),(coord.), Impreuna, Romania (in Romanian, translated to English)

    "One School for All?" - the Access of Roma Children to a Quality Education, Vanemonde, UNICEF, Bucharest (in Romanian, translated to English)

    Strategia de îmbunătăţire a situaţiei romilor – vocea comunităţilor (The Strategy for Improving the Situation of Roma – the Voice of the Communities)/–, Expert, Bucharest (in Romanian)

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