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Marc Chaouali

Coordinator of the Integrated Graduate School
(Second funding period, 2019-2021)

Equal opportunities officer 
(Second funding period, 2019-2021)

Research Associate: Subproject B06 -  Securitization and Security Export
(First funding period, 2014-2017)

  • Contact 

  • Vita

    06/2019 - 12/2021
    Coordinator of the Integrated Graduate School of the CRC 138 - Dynamics of Security

    04/2014 - 12/2017
    Research Associate, CRC 138 - Dynamics of Security, Subproject B06 — Securitization and Security Export

    Since 2011
    Doctoral Candidate at the seminar for Modern History, Philipps-Universität Marburg

    2010 - 2014
    Research Associate of the executive manager of the project „Historische Sicherheitsforschung“ of the Universities Marburg and Giessen and the Herder-Institute for the application and coordiation of the DFG CRC/TRR 138 „Dynamics of Security"

    2004 - 2010
    Studies in Political Science and History at the Leibniz University Hannover

  • PhD project

    Von der "Verteidigungsarmee" zur "Armee im Einsatz" — Die Debatte um Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr seit 1973

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