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Dr. Maria Ketzmerick
Doctoral candidate: subproject B05 - International trusteeship administrations
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Zentrum für Konfliktforschung
Bunsenstraße 2
Raum 02C06
35032 Marburg
☎ 06421 28-24971
Since 04/2014
Research associate at the CRC 138 "Dynamics of Security", subproject B05
12/2013 - 04/2014
Internships at the Middle East Department of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Goethe-Institut Ramallah / Palestinian Territories, CRISP e.V. Berlin, Les Verts France, and at the Federal Women's Representative Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, among others
08/2011 - 11/2013
Master's program "Global Studies - A European Perspective" at the Universities of Leipzig and Roskilde, Denmark,
Master's thesis: "Between Islamization and Westernization? The Mediation of Women's Rights in the Transition Process of Egypt"
10/2007 - 08/2011
B.A. in "Political Science and Law" at the University of Münster with a stay abroad at the IEP Lyon, France,
Bachelor thesis: "A Case of Norm Localization? Institutional Changes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Influence of Resolution 1325"
Student assistant and tutor at the University of Münster
09/2006 - 08/2007
European Voluntary Service with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste at the Jewish Historical Museum AmsterdamPhD project
Widerstand, Kooperation, Konflikt? — Der umstrittene Einfluss der Konstruktion von Sicherheit auf den Prozess der Dekolonisierung in Kamerun
Research interests
Transnational interrelations with a focus on regional studies of Africa and the Middle East
Postcolonial theories
Feminist approaches to international relations and gender relations
Critical Security StudiesPublications
(zus. mit T. Bonacker / W. Distler) Securitisation and Desecurisation of Violence in Trusteeship Statebuilding, in: Civil Wars, online first: 1080/13698249.2018.1525675
"Securitized State Building? – The Camerounian Decolonization in Conflict". In: "Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization: Beyond State and International System." Regina Kreide und Andreas Langenohl (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden.
(zus. mit W. Distler) The 'Politics of Protection' and Elections in Trusteeship and International Administration. The Cases of Cameroun and Kosovo. In: Bonacker, T/Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M (Hrsg.): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. Baden-Baden. S. 127-154.
Grants and Fellowships
04 - 09/2009: Scholarship by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, e.g. active member of the general assembly and the scholarship representation