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Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide

Deputy Spokesperson of the CRC 138

Head of subproject C10 - Between minority protection and securitization

  • Contact

    Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
    Institut für Politikwissenschaft
    Karl-Glöckner Str. 21 E
    Haus E, Raum E 116
    35394 Gießen

    ☎ 0641 99-23070 

  • Vita

    Visiting professor at the University of Washington/Seattle, USA

    Since 2016
    Member of the working group "International Justice and Institutional Obligations", Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin

    Visiting professor and DAAD lecturer at the UAM Mexico City, Iztapalapa
    Project manager of the ISAP program - JLU Giessen and Universidad de Antioquia de Medellin, Colombia (DAAD)
    Visiting fellow at the Open University Raanana, Israel (Humboldt Foundation)

    2010 - 2013
    Managing Director of the Institute for Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen

    Since 2010
    Full Professor of Political Theory and History of Ideas at the Institute of Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen

    2009 - 2010
    Theodor Heuss Associate Professor and Lecturer at the New School University, New York City

    Venia legendi for political science, habilitation thesis "Globale Gerechtigkeit und transnationales Regieren", Goethe University Frankfurt

    2008 - 2009
    Deputy Professor of Political Theory, University of Giessen

    2007 - 2008
    Former Academic Counselor, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

    Guest lecturer at the University of Zurich in Philosophy
    DAAD guest lecturer, Universidad de Medellin, Colombia

    PhD Goethe University, dissertation "Human Rights and Citizenship"

    1998 - 2000
    Research associate in the EU-funded project on social and economic policy of the European, Goethe University

    1997 -1998
    Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University/New York City

    1995 -1996
    Research associate at the Department of Social Sciences, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

    1987 - 1994
    Studies in biology, art (state examination), sociology, political science and philosophy at the Universities of Cologne, Columbia University NYC, Frankfurt am Main

  • Research interests

    Political Theory
    Social Philosophy 
    Political philosophy (especially global justice, democracy, equality, resistance, gender studies, history of ideas, minority politics, security and securitization)
    Philosophy of law: human rights, constitutions, constitutionalization

  • Memberships and functions

    Since 10/2016 
    Member of the working group "Internationale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Verpflichtungen", Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin

    Since 11/2016
    Member of the Steering Committee of the DAAD-funded program „Deutsch-Kolumbianischen Friedensinstitut (CAPAZ), supported by the Federal Foreign Office“

    Since 04/2014
    HEad of project of the DAAD ISAP-Program (Internationale Studien- und Ausbildungspartnerschaften/International Study and Education Partnership), Justus Liebig University Giessen and Universidad de Antioquia/Medellin, Kolumbien

    Since 2014
    Member of the Steering Committee: Sozial- Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften of the GGS

    Since 2010
    Member of the Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU), Justus Liebig University Giessen

    Spokesperson of the AK Politik und Geschlecht (der DVPW).

    Since 01/2010
    Member of the GCSC (International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) and of the GGS (Giessen Graduate Center Social Sciences),Justus Liebig University Giessen

    Seit 2007
    Co-Editorship: "Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte"

  • Publications (selected)

    Monographs and anthologies


    The Politics of Security: Understanding and Challenging the Securitization of Europe’s Roma, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (eds. with Huub van Baar, Ana Ivasiuc).

    The Power Dynamics of Securitization: From the Early Modern Period until the Present, Baden-Baden,  (eds. with Andreas Langenohl).

    Habermas-Handbook, Columbia University Press  (eds. with H. Brunkhorst and C. Lafont).
    Verdrängte Demokratie. Essays zur Politischen Theorie, (für die Reihe “Internationale Politische Theorie”, Bd. 2), Nomos.

    Internationale Politische Theorie, Metzler, Stuttgart with (Andreas Niederberger).

    Transformation of Democracy: Crisis, Protest, and Legitimation, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield  (eds. with Robin Celikates and Tilo Wesche).

    Journal Editions


    On Cristina Lafont’s book „Democratic Shortcuts“. Special with introduction and 12 commentaries for Philosophy&Social Criticism.

    Editor of the Special volume on „Democracy and Resistance“ for Constellations, January (mit Petra Gümplova).

    Articles and chapters

    A Global (in)justice and the human right to housing. A practice-based approach, in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP). Link zum Artikel.

    The Power of Border Politics. On Migration and Securitization in and outside Europe, in: Regina Kreide und Andreas Langenohl (Hrsg.): The Power Dynamics of Securitization: From the Early Modern Period until the Present, Baden-Baden.

    Crossing (out) Borders: Human Rights and the Securitization of Roma Minorities, in: Huub van Baar, Ana Ivasiuc und Regina Kreide (eds.), The Politics of Security: Understanding and Challenging the Securitization of Europe’s Roma, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 62-83.

    Politik der kommunikativen Macht. Kommunikations- und Handlungsblockaden in einer globalisierten Welt, in: Ulf Hohmann und Paul Sörensen (Hrsg.): Kritische Theorie der Politik, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 494-519.

    Gerechtigkeit/Ungerechtigkeit, in: D. Comtesse, O.Flügel-Martinsen, F. Martinsen und M. Nonhoff (Hrsg.): Radikale Demokratietheorie, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 635-647.

    Rechts- und Demokratietheorie, in: L. Corchia, St. Müller-Doohm und W. Outhwaite (Hrsg.): Habermas global, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 226-243.

    With Ayelet Banai, Securitization of Migration in Germany: The Ambivalences of Citizenship and Human Rights, in: Citizenship Studies, vol 21, 903-17, (deutsche Übersetzung in „Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte“, Nr. 2.).

    Wie globale Ungleichheit bekämpft werden kann, in: Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte, 7/8, 27-31, (englische Übersetzung in: items (Zeitschrift des “Social Science Research Council, New York). Link zum Artikel.

    Digital spaces, public places and communicative power: In defense of deliberative democracy, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism, May-June 42: 476-486.

    Das Schweigen des politischen Liberalismus, in: Mittelweg 36, 25. , 2016, Heft 2, 5-20, in englischer Übersetzung: The Silence of the Political Liberalism, Eurozine. Link zum Artikel.

    Eine Frage der Macht. Politische Öffentlichkeit und Zivilgesellschaft, in: Peter Koller (Hrsg.): Habermas. Faktizität und Geltung (Reihe Klassiker auslegen), Akademie.

    Communicative Power and the Public Sphere. A Defense of a Deliberative Model of Politics, in: Hans Feger (ed.): Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, vol 1, 1 (de Gruyter).

    Digital spaces, public places and communicative power: In defense of deliberative democracy, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism May-June 42: 476-486.

    Transnationale Gerechtigkeit, in: Anna Goppel und Christian Neuhäuser (Hrsg.): Handbuch zur Gerechtigkeit, Stuttgart, Metzler-Verlag.

    Diskurs und Diskursethik, in: Anna Goppel und Christian Neuhäuser (Hrsg.): Handbuch zur Gerechtigkeit, Stuttgart, Metzler-Verlag.

    Between Morality and Law: In Defense of a Political Conception of Human Rights, in: Journal of International Political Theory, 12.

    Human Rights as Placeholders, in: Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Vol 8, 3, Page 401-413.

    (Un)gerechtigkeit. Zwischen normativer Theorie und Gesellschaftsanalyse, in: Regina Kreide und Niederberger (Hrsg.): Internationale Politische Theorie, Stuttgart: Metzler, 171-186.

    The hidden (r)evolution: commentary on Hauke Brunkhorst’s book Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions, in: Philosophy&Social Criticism, first published 7. May, 1-8.

    Repressed Democracy. Problems of Legitimacy in World Society, in: Katarzyna Jezierska and Leszek Koczanowicz (eds.): Democracy in Dialogue, Dialogue in Democracy, Farnham: Ashgate, 57-78.

    Democracy in Crisis. Why Political Philosophy Needs Social Theory, in: Robin Celikates,  Regina Kreide and Tilo Wesche(eds.): Transformation of Democracy: Crisis, Protest, and Legitimation, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield, 37-64.

    Introduction (with Celikates/Wesche), in: Robin Celikates, Regina Kreide and Tilo Wesche (eds.): Transformation of Democracy: Crisis, Protest, and Legitimation, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield, 1-15.

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