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Foto: Jannis Kohlt

Roxana Ehlke

PhD Candidate: subproject C05 - Financial Infrastructures and Geoeconomic Security

  • Contact

    Justus Liebig University Giessen

  • Vita Research interests

    Since 2022
    Research associate at CRC 138 "Dynamics of Security, Subproject C05 - Financial Infrastructures and Geoeconomic Security

    2020 - 2022 
    Tutor in the study program "German Law" (German-speaking) at the Siberian Federal University of Krasnoyarsk

    2017 - 2018 
    Research internship at the University of Tehran

    2016 - 2022 
    Study of International Relations with specialization in Global Political Economy at the Technical University of Dresden (M.A.)

    2012 - 2016
    Studies of Political Science and Political Economy at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (B.A.)

    International Political Economy
    Financial infrastructures
    Post-Soviet space

  • Current research project

    Financial Sanctions and the Post-Soviet Space

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