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Prof. Dr. Shakila Yacob

  • Visiting fellow at the CRC 138
    (February to August 2023)
  • Contact


  • Vita

    2018 - 2021
    Executive director of the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya
    2016 - 2018
    Director of the Center for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya
    2014 - 2015
    Head of Department, Department of History

    2011 - 2012 and 2006 - 2009
    Deputy Director, The International Institute of Public Policy & Management (INPUMA) 

  • Current research projects

    Security dynamics of German firms in post-colonial Southeast Asia, with a particular emphasis on Malaysia

    The State and Social Development in the oil palm sector in Malaysia

    Multinationals and climate change in the oil palm industry

    The History of Islamic Banking and Finance: the original objectives

  • Teaching

    Course on Decolonisation and the Dynamics of Security in Southeast Asia, Institute of Economics and Social History, Philipps Universität Marburg (Summer Semester 2023)

  • Publications (selected)

    PETRONAS, Oil Money, and Malaysia’s National Sovereignty, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 94 (1), 2021:119-144.

    Entrepreneurship, State–business ties and Business Groups in Bangladesh. Journal of South Asian Development, 14(3), 2019: 367–390.
    Economic Opportunity and Strategic Dilemma in Colonial Development: Britain, Japan and Malaya’s Iron Ore, 1920s to 1950s. The International History Review, 42 (2), 2019: 424- 446.

    Rising of the Phoenix: Mitigating Political Risk through Knowledge Management - Behn, Meyer & Co., 1840-1959. Enterprise & Society, 19 (4), 2018: 946-78.
    Government, Business and Lobbyists: The Politics of Palm Oil in US-Malaysia Relations. International History Review, Vol. 44 (4), 2018:909-30.

    Trans-Generational Renewal as Managerial Succession: The Behn Meyer Story (1840-2000). Business History, Vol. 57 (7), 2012:1166-85.
    Adapt or Divest: The New Economic Policy and foreign businesses in Malaysia (1970-2000). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Vol. 40 (3), 2012: 459-482.

    The "unfinished business" of Malaysia’s decolonisation: the origins of the Guthrie Dawn Raid. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 44 (5), 2010:919-60.

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