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Dr. Stefanie Rüther

Associated Member

  • Contact

    Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie
    Hansaallee 41
    60323 Frankfurt am Main

    ☎+49 (69) 789 78 - 190

  • Vita

    Stefanie Rüther studied history and German language and literature at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, where she completed her PhD in spring 2000 with a thesis on the representation of Lübeck councillors in the Middle Ages and early modern period. From 2000-2008 she worked at the SFB 496 Symbolic Communication and Social Value Systems, first as a research associate in the sub-project „Konflikt und Friedensrituale im Spätmittelalter“, then in the area of „Zentrale Aufgaben“. These included the conception and coordination of a cross-project database. From 2008-2012, Stefanie Rüther was head of a junior research group in the Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics at Münster University. Following, she was employed as a knowledge research officer at the Central Custody of the University of Göttingen before moving to Frankfurt in summer 2015 as a research coordinator at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory.

  • Research interests

    History of war and conflict
    Security in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period
    History of knowledge
    History of religion and piety

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