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Prof. Dr. Sven Opitz
Head of subproject C12 - The pandemic situation
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institut für Soziologie
Ketzerbach 11
35032 Marburg☎ 06421 28-24374
W3 professor ("Political Sociology") at the Philipps University of Marburg, (previously W2 since 10/2015)
Call as W3 professor "Sociology with a focus on social analysis and social change" at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, not accepted
Offer as Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer for Security Studies at the University of Groningen, declined
2010 - 2015
Research associate at the Chair of General Sociology and Sociological Theory at the University of Hamburg
PhD (Dr. Phil.) in Sociology at the University of Basel (summa cum laude)
2005 - 2010
Research associate in the Department of Sociology and Cultural Sociology at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Basel
Scholarship holder of the Evangelisches Studienwerk "Villigst"
Scholarship holder of the Landesstiftung der Hansestadt Hamburg
M.A. in Political Science, Sociology and Modern German Literature, University of Hamburg ("Excellent")Current research projects
Since 2020: Head of the project "Die Verwaltung der Kontaktverfolgung unter COVID-19: Eine Analyse der Containment Scouts und der Mobile Tracing App aus Sicht der Gesundheitsämter" funded by the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit and Robert Koch-Institut
Since 2018: Head of the project "Symbiotische Kollektive - Die Kultivierung mikrobieller Lebenswelten als Gesatltung bio-sozialer Beziehungen" (with Andreas Folkers), funded by Volkswagenstiftung
2015-2017: Member of the network Regulating Time: New Perspectives on Regulation, Law and Temporalities an der Kent University
2011-2015: Member of the Nachwuchswissenschaftlernetzwerks Szenographie des Subjekts, between 2011-2012 funded by Volkswagenstiftung, between 2013-2015 funded by the DFG
2011-2015: Member of the Management Committee of the EU-COST Action „International Law Between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: The Role of Law in the Post- National Constellation“ and Member of the associated Working Group „Law and Uncertainty“
2010-2012: Member of the „International Collaboratory on Critical Methods in Security Studies” (ICCM) with Jef Huysmanns (Open University), Claudia Aradau (Open University), Andrew Neal (University of Edinburgh) und Nadine Voelkner (University of Sussex), funded by the Economic and Social Research CouncilGrants and fellowships
Since 2014: permanent fellow at the Centre for Research for Time and Law, VU Amsterdam
2014: Visiting Researcher at the International Law and Theory Center, University of Westminster
2013-2014: Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies of the DFG „Medienkulturen der Computersimulation“ (MECS), Leuphana University Lüneburg, project on modelling global infection processes
2013: Visiting Researcher at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh
2009: Visiting Researcher at the Goldsmiths College (University of London)Functions
Since 2021: Co-editor of the journal "Soziale Systeme: Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie"
Member at the Zentrum für Synthetische Mikrobiologie, SYNMIKRO
Specialist editor of the Portal Soziopolis of the Hamburg Institut für Sozialforschung (HIS)
Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) and the sections Soziologische Theorie and RechtssoziologiePublications (selected)
An der Grenze des Rechts: Inklusion/Exklusion im Zeichen der Sicherheit, Weilerswist: Velbrück.
Gouvernementalität im Postfordismus. Macht, Wissen, Techniken des Selbst im Feld unternehmerischer Rationalität, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.
Schwerpunkt Zeitschrift für theoretische Soziologie 9 (2): „Symbiose: Theorie für die biosoziale Gegenwart” (with Andreas Folkers).
Schwerpunkt Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 12 (2): „Zirkulation. Mediale Ordnungen von Kreisläufen” (with Malte Hagener und Ute Tellmann).
Sonderausgabe Soziale Welt 67 (3): „Bruno Latours neue politische Soziologie” (with Lars Gertenbach and Ute Tellmann).
Sonderausgabe Distinktion 13 (3): „Operations of the Global – Explorations of Connectivity” (with Urs Stäheli and Ute Tellmann).
Sonderausgabe Soziale Systeme 14 (2): „Theorien der Inklusion/Exklusion: Rhetorik – Körper – Macht” (with Sina Farzin and Urs Stäheli).
„Ein Unterschied, der keinen Unterschied macht? Das Signal der Corona Warn-App und die Verwaltung der Pandemie", in: KWI-Blog vom 8. Februar 2021, Sozialfiguren der Pandemie (with Kevin Hall and Klaus Scheuermann).
„Die (un)vorbereitete Pandemie und die Grenzen der Preparedness – zur Biopolitik um COVID-19”, in: Leviathan 48 (3), S. 381-406 (with Carolin Mezes).
„Symbiosozialität: Zwischen Leben und Gesellschaft”, in: Zeitschrift für theoretische Soziologie 9 (2), S. 238-259 (with Andreas Folkers).
„Luftsicherheitszonen: Atmosphären des Selbst in Zeiten von COVID-19”, in: Michael Volkmer und Karin Werner (edt.): Die Corona-Gesellschaft. Analysen zur Lage und Perspektiven für die Zukunft, Transcript, S. 125-134.
„Me, Mircrobe, and I”, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Quaterly, Heft 2, S. 108-113 (with Andreas Folkers).
„Capturing Protest in Urban Environments: The 'Police Kettle' as a Territorial Strategy”, in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37 (6), S. 1045-1063 (with Andrew Neal and Chris Zebrowski).
Informing Life: Temporal Politics of Information in the Administration of Pandemics. In: L. Francot-Timmermans/ L. Corrias (Hrsg.): Out of Joint: Temporal Boundaries of Law and Politics, London/New York.
Simulating the World: The Digital Enactment of Pandemics as a Mode of Global Self-Observation. In: European Journal of Social Theory. Link to article.
Regulating Epidemic Space: The Nomos of Global Circulation, in: Journal for International Relations and Development 19, 263-284.
The Politics of Time: Future Emergencies in Law and Economy, in: Theory, Culture & Society 32, 107-129 (mit U. Tellmann).
Genealogy: Problematizing Power and Knowledge in Security Studies, in: C. Aradau et al. (Hrsg.): Critical Security Methods, London u. a.,159-188 (with P. Bonditti/ A. Neal/ C. Zebrowski).
Global Territories: The Offshore as a Zone of Dis/Connectivity, in: Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal for Social Theory 13, 261-282 (with U. Tellmann).
An der Grenze des Rechts. Inklusion/Exklusion im Zeichen der Sicherheit, Weilerswist.
Widerstreitende Temporalitäten. Recht in Zeiten des Risikos, in: Behemoth 4, 58-82.
Government Unlimited: The Security Dispositif of Illiberal Governmentality. In: U. Bröckling et al. (eds.): Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges, New York/London, 93-114.
Die Materialität der Exklusion. Vom ausgeschlossenen Körper zum Körper des Ausgeschlossenen. In: Soziale Systeme. Zeitschrift für Soziologische Theorie 14, 229-253.
Organization of conferences and panels
„Securing Epidemic Ecologies: Spaces of Disease Control in Historical Perspective”, International conference as part of the CRC, December 2021 (with Carolin Mezes und Andrea Wiegeshoff), i.a. with Alison Bashford (UNSW Sidney), Uli Beisel (Universität Bayreuth), Lukas Engelmann (University of Edinburgh); Hannah Landecker (UCLA).
„Terrestrische Existenzweisen: Vitale Räume in der ökologischen Krise", Ad hoc-group on the 40th congress of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), „Gesellschaft unter Spannung“, September 2020 (with Ute Tellmann).
„Localizing Global Security: Technologies, Protocols, Infrastructures", International conference in cooperation with the CRC, May 2017 (with Thorsten Bonacker).
„The Materiality of Law and Security: An Inquiry into Bruno Latour’s Sociological Anthropology of Modernity“, COST-Workshop at the University of Hamburg, October 2014, i.a. with Emilie Cloatre (Kent Law School), Marieke de Goede (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Alain Pottage (LSE) and Niels Werber (Universität Siegen) (with Susanne Krasmann)
„Die Politik der Natur in der globalen Krise: Zu Bruno Latours neuer Sozialtheorie“, Ad hoc-group on the 37th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) („Routinen der Krise - Krise der Routinen“) in Trier, October 2014 (with Lars Gertenbach and Ute Tellmann)
„Thinking Infrastructures After the Material Turn: Connectivity, Topology, Collectivity", international conference at the University of Hamburg, May 2013, i.a. with Claudia Aradau (King’s Collge), Jonathan Bach (New School), Stephen Collier (New School), Monika Dommann (UZH), Stephen Graham (Newcastle), Celia Lury (Warwick) and Brian Larkin (Columbia) (with Ute Tellmann, Sylvie Rham and Urs Stäheli)
„Konnektivität – Über Logiken der Verbindung in der modernen Gesellschaft", Ad hoc-group on the 36th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) („Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt“) in Dortmund and Bochum, October 2012 (with Julian Müller and Ute Tellmann)
„Security Dispositifs: Space – Technology – Event“, international workshop at the Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, May 2012, i.a. with Peter Adey (Royal Holloway), Ben Anderson (Durham University), Luis Lobo-Guerrero (University of Groningen), Andrew Neal (University of Edinburgh), Susanne Krasmann (Universität Hamburg), Burkhardt Wolf (HU Berlin), Chris Zebrowski (Loughborough University) (with Ulrich Bröckling, Stefan Kaufmann and Serhat Karakayali)
„Operations of the Global – Explorations of Connectivity“, conference at the University of Hamburg October 2011, i.a. with Celia Lury (Warwick), Bill Maurer (Irvine), Brett Neilson (University of Western Sidney), Tony D. Sampson (University of East London) (with Urs Stäheli and Ute Tellmann)
„Inklusionskämpfe: Der Mensch an den Grenzen des Weltrechts", Panel on the second congress of the deutschsprachige Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen in Wien, September 2011 (with Britta Leisering)
„Global Topologies“, Panel on the conference „Changing Cultures – Cultures of Change“ (Dezember 2009) at the University of Barcelona, organisiert in cooperation with the Goldsmiths College (London) (with Urs Stäheli and Ute Tellmann)
„Tod in der Theorie: Krieg – Regierung – Ökonomie“, Panel on the conference of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS) in Basel, September 2007 (with Ute Tellmann)