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Dr. Werner Distler

Postdoc: subproject B05 - International trusteeship administrations  
(First and second funding period, 2014-2021)

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    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Zentrum für Konfliktforschung
    Bunsenstraße 2 
    Raum 02C05
    35032 Marburg
    ☎ 06421 28-24431 

  • Vita

    Since 04/2014
    Research associate, CRC138 "Dynamics of Security", subproject B05

    Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Philipps University of Marburg
    Topic: Intervention as social practice. Experiences of interaction in everyday statebuilding using the example of the International Police Mission in Kosovo

    09/2010 - 03/2014
    Research associate in the DFG project "Die Institutionalisierung von Deutungsmacht durch internationale Administrationen in Postkonfliktgesellschaften. Eine Analyse der Transitional Authority im Kosovo und Kambodscha." at the Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg

    10/2000 - 02/2006
    Studies of Political Science (focus on International Relations), Modern and Contemporary History and Social and Economic History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Degree: Magister Artium

    Summer Term 2008
    Lecturer at the Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg

    2004 - 2005
    Tutor for Political Theory and Political System Theory at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science, LMU Munich

    2003 - 2006
    Internships at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2006), the German Development Service in Namibia (2006), the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Southeast Asia Office (2004) and the National Commission for UNESCO in South Africa (2003)

  • Research interests

    External statebuilding, political authority in post-conflict societies (focus on Kosovo)
    Intervention as social practice and intervention societies
    International police missions
    Nationbuilding and consolidation processes in South African society

  • Publications (selected)

    (with T. Bonacker) Securitisation in World Politics: The Conflict on the Self-Determination of East Timor at the United Nations. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 52:1-2, 35-54.

    (with J. Heise) Secessionist Conflicts: Unresolved Legacies of United Nations Trusteeship. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
    (online first,

    Political Crisis and the Corona - ‘State Of Emergency’ in Kosovo. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 9, 375–384.

    (with E. B. Stavrevska & B. Vogel) Economies of peace: Economy Formation Processes in Conflict-Affected Societies. Routledge Series Special Issues as Books. Routledge.

    Dangerised Youth: The Politics of Security and Development in Timor-Leste. Third World Quarterly 40:4, 727-742.

    (with T. Bonacker und M. Ketzmerick) Securitization and Desecuritization of Violence in Trusteeship Statebuilding. Civil Wars 20:4, 477-499.

    Gewaltakteure und Versicherheitlichung im internationalen Peacebuilding. In: Westermeier, C. / Carl, H. (eds.): Sicherheitsakteure. Epochenübergreifende Perspektiven zu Praxisformen und Versicherheitlichung. Baden-Baden: Nomos. S. 81-92.

    (with H. Carl): Einleitung "Gewaltakteure". In: Westermeier, C. / Carl, H. (eds.): Sicherheitsakteure. Epochenübergreifende Perspektiven zu Praxisformen und Versicherheitlichung. Baden-Baden. S. 31-46.

    (with T. Bonacker und M. Ketzmerick) Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. Nomos.

    (with M. Ketzmerick): The 'Politics of Protection' and Elections in Trusteeship and International Administration. The Cases of Cameroun and Kosovo. In: Bonacker, T/ Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M (eds.): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. Baden-Baden. S. 127-154.

    The Authority-Identity Relation: Symbolic References and Interpretative Authority in Postwar Kosovo. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. doi: 10.1080/17502977.2017.1385235.

    Authority in statebuilding as communicative practice: The Joint Working Group on the Constitutional Framework in Kosovo. In: Democratization 24:3, 463-480.

    Intervention as a social practice: knowledge formation and transfer in the everyday of police missions. In: International Peacekeeping 23:2, 326-349.

    Die fragmentierte Zeit im Peacebuilding. Die Zeitdimensionen der Praxis des Friedenschaffens. In: C. Schües/ P. Delhom (eds.): Zeit und Frieden. Friedenstheorien 2, Freiburg/München, 85-102.

    Intervention als soziale Praxis Interaktionserfahrungen im Alltag des Statebuilding am Beispiel der Internationalen Polizeimission im Kosovo. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS.

    Nur noch Routine? Deutsche Polizei und deutsche Polizisten in Afghanistan, in: Michael Daxner (eds.): Deutschland in Afghanistan, Oldenburg: BIS Verlag. 155-178.

    Die andere Seite der Medaille: Intervention und Widerstand in Bosnien-Herzegowina und im Kosovo, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 2/2. 177-208. (with Sarah Riese, peer-reviewed).

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