Main Content
Subproject A04
The collectivization of international security through processes of institutionalization under international law

3. Funding period (2022-2025)
The subproject looks at the intensifying process of de-collectivization of international security from the perspective of securitization. Proceeding from the allegedly changed perception of institutionalization under international law, rather than increasing security, institutionalization is apprehended as a threat. Due to a progressively non-transparent and globalized world, unilateral military action is interpreted as a security issue. The positive narrative of a collectivization of international security through processes of institutionalization is questioned. Therefore, the return of arguments justifying unilateral military action that were believed to have been overcome will be analyzed within and beyond the United Nations. In parallel, we will analyze whether de-collectivization further impedes efforts to strengthen compliance with international humanitarian law.
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Subproject Heads
Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn
Prof. Dr. Sven Simon
Research Assistants
Farnaz Desfouli-Asl
Student Assistants
Johannes Henkel
Jan Potraz