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Subproject B02
Architectural security concepts

3. Funding period (2022-2025)
The art-historical subproject is dedicated to the pictorial aspects of the situation "street" using the example of urban centers such as Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna and New York for the period up to the beginning of the 20th century. The street is one of the places where the social tensions of the emerging cities since the end of the 18th century become particularly obvious: They sting the eye, offend the ear and nose, and not infrequently manifest themselves in physical distress arising from the scarcity of available street space shared by and with many. The street is also a site of political contestation: Revolutionaries erect barricades, terrorists carry out assassinations.
Central thematic axes for the subproject's research are circulation and social space, development as an urban planning instrument of order, and the street as a political space of action.
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Subproject Head
Prof. Dr. Katharina Krause
Research Assistant
Dr. Godehard Janzing
Student Assistant
Lea Grosser