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Subproject C08
Security and Empire - Dynamics of Securitization in Colonial Spaces of the British Empire, 1780-1920

3. Funding period (2022-2025)
The subproject investigates the connection between transformations of imperial and colonial orders and processes of securitization in the history of the British Empire in the long 19th century. Basic elements of this history were perceptions of and dealings with insecurity.
The focus of the research in the sub-project is on the significance of intra- and trans-imperial interactions using the example of the Anglo-French Caribbean with Jamaica and Saint-Domingue as well as the U.S. zone of influence in the Pacific and British India. Questions about notions of and the handling of (in)security make it possible to examine functional mechanisms of imperial orders as well as stabilizing and centrifugal forces from a new perspective and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of the shaping and transformation of rule in colonial spaces of the British Empire.
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Subproject Head
Prof. Benedikt Stuchtey
Research Assistants
Philipp Horstmeier
Thomas Szymczyk
Student Assistant
Ezra Kücken