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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH) tutorials
We offer an accompanying tutorial to help DSH course participants develop their skills in holding brief presentations. The focus here is to foster the participants’ ability to hold a linguistically level-appropriate presentation in front of a group. The tutorial is free of charge.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Pronunciation training
We offer supplementary training in pronunciation at all course levels (elementary level II - DSH). This training caters to participants who are having problems vocalizing German sounds and sound combinations and would like to improve the comprehensibility of their pronunciation. The training is free of charge.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Sports activities
Photo: Enes Mehovic The Studienkolleg soccer team practices once a week at the Georg Gassmann Stadium in Marburg. Practice is led by an experienced soccer trainer, and one member of our teaching staff accompanies the group. Participants consider the soccer practice a good balance to learning in classrooms and an opportunity to make new acquaintances. The team also participates in the “Sport Dies”, an athletics and exercise event organized anually by the University of Marburg.