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Application for a Master's program with a German degree - higher semester

An advanced placement transfer application is only possible if you have already received credits in another Master's program that are equivalent in subject and content to the program to which you would like to transfer, according to § 33.1 of the Hessian University Admission Ordinance (Hessische Hochschulzulassungsverordnung).

The completed coursework from another program and/or university must be recognized for advanced placement into the new degree program.


Application procedure

  • Application via Marvin

    Please apply via Marvin for the desired program as if you were a first-semester applicant. The same application deadlines for first-semester applicants apply to transfer applicants as well. For information about the relevant deadlines, please see our application deadlines overview.

    The application guidelines for Master’s applicants can be found on our website "Application for a Master's program with a German degree - first semester".

    Please also note the special features described below for the application in a higher semester:

    Please select the semester you want.

    You can also add the Transcript of Records to your application, which proves the achievements for placement in a higher semester. If you do not have a transcript, please send us a comparable document listing the content of your studies. If you already have a placement certificate, add it.

    ATTENTION: In many cases, performances are still being completed in the current semester, so that no further proof of performance is available at the time of application.In this case, you submit your application without proof of performance. If you are admitted, you can submit the placement certificate until enrollment. Otherwise, enrollment in a higher semester is not possible.

  • Application for the placement certificate

    Please request a placement certificate from your new department. This certificate provides information on the semester in which you can begin your new program. This placement depends on your previously completed coursework and its relevancy to your new program’s coursework.

    The departmental advisor of the respective Master's program is responsible for the placement. It is recommended that you seek consultation in advance about the recognition of your previously completed coursework. You will find the contact data to your advisor on the study program's short description website.

  • Relocation

    If you are already enrolled in a degree program of the same name at another German university, you can only apply for admission to this degree program for the next higher subject semester (all previously completed subject semesters must be counted). With your application, please attach a current certificate of enrollment which shows the degree program and the current subject semester.