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Eligibility assessment process - Economics and Institutions (MS)

1. Documents to be submitted

a) Application for admission (online application of the online application portal)

b) The first, fundamental university degree with final grade

c) The Transcript of Records for determining your previous course contents and knowledge in the economic sciences as well as the associated ancillary sciences (e.g. mathematics, statistics) of at least 90 credits (according to ECTS).

d) Certification of skills in English at Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe

e) Letter in English, approximately 2 DIN A4 pages in length, in which the applicant describes his/her personal disciplinary suitability, referring to the criteria indicated above, and providing reasons for why he/she has chosen the Master's program in Economics and Institutions with a focus on institutional economics in Marburg.

f) Tabular resume/CV (1 DIN A4 page)

g) Additional certifications of personal disciplinary suitability, which relate to the aforementioned criteria, as applicable.

2. Procedure on the basis of the submitted documents 

Up to 8 suitability points can be achieved.
Achieving at least 7 points is considered suitable
Determination of suitability is made based on the following criteria:

a) Points are assigned in the following manner for the overall grade:

Grade points 15.0 to 13.0 (decimal grade 0.7 to 1.3) = 4 points
Grade points 10.9 to 12.9 (decimal grade 1.4 to 2.0) = 3 points
Grade points 8.6 to 10.8 (decimal grade 2.1 to 2.8) = 2 points
Grade points 7.0 to 8.5 (decimal grade 2.9 to 3.3) = 1 point
Grade points 5.0 to 6.9 (decimal grade 3.4 to 4.0) = 0 points

The specifications are based on the grade scale according to § 28 of the General Terms of the Philipps University Marburg.

b) Supplemental subject-based qualifications from the first professionally qualifying degree.
Certification of knowledge in economics through successfully completed relevant expansion and/or degree modules (maximum 3 points).

c) Letter according to 1 e) and supplemental criteria (maximum 1 point).
In the letter and accompanying resume, the applicant should present his/her disciplinary and personal suitability and explain his/her expectations in commencing a Master of Science study program in "Economics and Institutions" in the Department of Economics of the Philipps University of Marburg.
Supplemental criteria, e.g. duration of studies, study abroad, relevant professional experience, etc.

3. Selection interview

The suitability determination committee invites all applicants who have achieved at least 5 points in the written suitability determination process according to item 2 to an interview of 15 to 30 minutes in duration, by telephone or in person.

The interview focuses on questions regarding the institution-economics knowledge of the applicant. In addition, the interview focuses on the expectations of the applicant in respect of the targeted area of specialization in institution economics and to discover the general capabilities of the applicant to successfully complete a scientifically-oriented Master program.

A total of up to 2 points are assigned for ascertained institution-economics knowledge and ascertained expectations, in addition to the capability to successfully complete the study program.

Those who have a degree of suitability of at least 7 points are admitted to the program.

4. Application & Deadline

Application deadlines 

Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - first semester

Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - higher semester