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Digital notification procedure about the proof of health insurance

According to German law (199a SGB V), health insurance providers and universities share a mutual obligation in reporting the health insurance status of students. The new digital student notification procedure replaces the previous paper notifications and was implemented by the University of Marburg on 1/12/2021. Health insurance must be present upon enrollment. As of this date, paper-based notifications are no longer accepted.

If you are insured by a public (statutory) health insurance provider at the time of enrollment, please contact your provider, give them our sender number (H0001127), and they will notify us of your insurance status.

If you are insured by a private health insurance provider at the time of enrollment, please contact any public health insurance provider, give them our sender number (H0001127), and they will notify us of your private insurance status.

Students who are coming from the DSH or the Studienkolleg preparatory programs and who wish to enroll in their subject-related degree program (Fachstudium) must also contact any public health insurance company, giving them our sender number (H0001127).

The notification is also required beyond the 14th subject-related semester (Fachsemester).

Students age 30 and above also have to complete the notification through any public health insurance provider.