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Doctorate Degree
The doctorate degree is obtained through a doctorate program, which can follow a successfully completed course of study. Depending on the university, the doctorate degree is obtained with a doctorate thesis (dissertation) in connection with a disputation (oral defense of the dissertation) or a via voce (oral examination in all areas relating to the subject).
Enrollment as a Doctoral Student
Enrollment as a doctoral student is possible until the beginning of November for a winter term or until the beginning of May for a summer term.
The following documents are required:
- The printed and signed application for enrollment as a doctoral student (see hyperlink below)
- The proof of registration of your doctorate via print of your doctorate request (“Promotionsantrag”) in Marvin (in Studies offered – Doctorate) or via the state of your doctorate request in Marvin as approved
- The confirmation of acceptance of your dissertation project by the dean of your department (if the proof of acceptance is older than one year, please ask your supervisor to confirm that you are still pursuing your doctorate) or formal acceptance of your dissertation project by the doctorate committee of your department
- The proof of payment of the semester fee. Additional information can be found here:
- If you are younger than 30 years: Certification of a German health insurance coverage. This is a form from the health insurance company with a return letter. If you are insured through a private health insurance scheme, please submit a release from the compulsory health insurance issued by a compulsory health insurer. + Link zu:
- A copy of your Higher Education Entrance Qualification
- A certified copy of your last diploma
- A certificate of the higher education institution/university in which you were enrolled before, with details including the number of semesters and indicating any semesters of leave. The certificate should also provide information on when and where your first enrollment took place.
Prerequisite is a self-registration as a doctoral student in Marvin. Information on this can be obtained from the department of your doctorate (dean's office or examination office) or from the registrar’s office.
Change of enrollment status from “student” to “doctoral student”
If you were a student at the Philipps-Universität last semester, have successfully finished your study program and now wish to enroll as a doctoral student: Please submit the following documents by the beginning of November for a winter term or by the beginning of May for a summer term.
- A signed application for enrollment as a doctoral student (“Umschreibeantrag”) – Enter “06" in the field “angestrebter Abschluss /desired degree" to select the doctorate;
- The confirmation of acceptance of your dissertation project by the dean of your department (if the proof of acceptance is older than one year, please ask your supervisor to confirm that you are still pursuing your doctorate) or formal acceptance of your dissertation project by the doctorate committee of your departmentA simple, uncertified copy of your diploma.
Prerequisite is a self-registration as a doctoral student in Marvin. Information on this can be obtained from the department of your doctorate (dean's office or examination office) or from the registrar’s office.
Enrollment process
Please click the Link below to go to the application portal in Marvin, where you log in either with your applicants account or with your students or staff account and enter the required information. In “Studienangebot/degree programs” you can select “Online application”. For an application as a doctoral student, select “Promotion” and “Promotion nach Abschluss” as well as your field of study (which has to be the same as indicated in the doctorate registration). Go through the remaining steps. At the end of this process, you can send your application directly to us online via a link, but you also have to print it out and sign it.
Send the signed application and the abovementioned documents to
Philipps-Universität Marburg
35032 Marburg
After processing your application, you will be informed via E-mail, that you are accepted and that you can request the enrollment. To do so, login again, go to “Online application” and click “Request for enrollment”.The documents will be sent to you via mail. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call the student’s hotline +49 6421- 28 -22222 or visit the registrar’s office.
If you already sent us the application via e-mail but find errors in the data, you can write your corrections by hand on the print-out before sending it to us. It is not possible to change your application’s data yourself online after sending the application to us.