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Master Degree Explained
The Master is an advanced university degree. A Master's program at the Philipps University normally lasts 2 years (4 semesters). It is modularly structured and normally comprises 120 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System. The Master of Arts (MA) degree is awarded in the sociological, linguistic and cultural studies programs. The Master of Science (MS) degree is awarded in the scientific and economic studies programs. A first university degree is required to be admitted to a Master program (Master admission qualification). This is normally a Bachelor program in which at least 180 credits were obtained. The previous study program must be compatible with the Master program in terms of content. Additional admission requirements, such as foreign language skills or the passing of an eligibility assessment process, must frequently be fulfilled.
For admission to advanced programs, you need to have a university entrance qualification. If you would like to learn in advance whether your foreign certificates entitle you to advanced study in Germany, you can use ANABIN, the info portal for foreign education degrees. Click on "Institutions" and "Search." There, you can enter the country in which you obtained your first university degree. Here you can determine whether your university is recognized in Germany (status H+). Then click on "University degrees" and determine whether your first university degree is sufficient (Class A3 or higher).