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History of Art (major subject in a combined bachelor’s degree)

Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Official titelKunstgeschichte
DegreeBachelor of Arts
Study modelCombined Bachelor's Degree
Program optionmajor subject in a Combined Bachelor's Degree
Program length6/8 semesters / 3/4 years (180/ 210 ECTS points) (depending on the combination)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman


The History of Art major will provide you with a broad fundamental education in the history of art within the field of visual art and architecture. You will learn about the origin, appearance, function and effect of works of late antiquity to contemporary art in Europe and (from the 16th century onwards) America whilst deepening your knowledge in selected case studies. In this course, you will study painting, sculpture, architecture, graphics, arts and crafts or the inter-media manifestations of modern and contemporary art movements. You will not only learn basic methods for analysing works of art, but also how to communicate them. Practise your acquired skills during field trips and exercises in front of original pieces, and take advantage of seminars to prepare you for a possible career after graduation.

An integral part of the combined Bachelor's degree is the MarSkills programme, in which you will acquire valuable, future-oriented skills.


The programme aims to teach an academically accredited and professionally relevant degree that will enable students to enter professional fields of analysis or appreciation of art in all its forms and contexts of use or to take up further Master's studies such as the Master of Arts M.A. History of Art in Marburg.
After graduation, your expertise in visual arts, architecture, arts and crafts and the intermedia forms of modern art will open up career prospects in various fields, including museums and collections, picture archives, (art) libraries, art consulting, art trade (galleries and auction houses), with appropriate specialisation in building research and monument preservation, in cultural management, adult education, art education, (cultural) tourism, creative industries, in publishing houses (print media and audiovisual media) and in specific sectors of commercial enterprises (e.g. insurance companies specialising in art objects). The degree programme forms the foundations for work in research and teaching at universities, art colleges and other research institutions.

The choice of your major subject will decisively shape your professional qualifications profile. In conjunction with one or two minor subjects, your relevant work experience (e.g. internships, part-time jobs, voluntary work) and your personal skills, it will enable you to refine your profile and carve out your own individual array of career options.
