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Empirical Cultural Studies (minor subject in a combined bachelor’s degree)

Photo: Colourbox

Official titelEmpirische Kulturwissenschaft
Degreedepends on the major chosen
Study modelCombined Bachelor's Degree
Program optionminor subject in a Combined Bachelor's Degree
Program length6/8 semesters / 3/4 years (180/ 210 ECTS points) (depending on the combination)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman


How do trends, fashions, preferences or strategies based on separation influence and affect us socially? How do the processes of technological change affect everyday life? How are memories formed in the absence of contemporary witnesses? What historical explanations can be found for current attitudes towards wage labour? What resources do Youtubers use to present themselves when they talk about their immigration stories? The Empirical Cultural Studies minor enables you to examine cultural phenomena of everyday life in the past and present in all its rich diversity. Learn the scientific tools to identify, describe and interpret cultural processes. You will be able to independently develop research topics using theoretical and project-based qualitative methods and communicate them to the public.

An integral part of the combined Bachelor's degree is the MarSkills programme, in which you will acquire valuable, future-oriented skills.


Potential employers for graduates include private and public institutions where cultural translation and integration skills are required. Likewise, employment in cultural sector institutions, such as museums, media centres or exhibition and trade fair organisers, is also common. The skills gained in Empirical Cultural Studies can also be used effectively by advocacy organisations in anti-discrimination work, human resource management and urban planning.

A minor subject will help you to extend your professional qualifications profile, which is decisively shaped by the choice of your major subject. In conjunction with your major subject, your relevant work experience (e.g. internships, part-time jobs, voluntary work) and your personal skills, it will enable you to refine your profile and carve out your own individual array of career options.
