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Indo-European Lingusitics (minor subject in a combined bachelor’s degree)

Photo: Elisabeth Rieken

Official titelHistorisch-Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Degreedepends on the major chosen
Study modelCombined Bachelor's Degree
Program optionminor subject in a Combined Bachelor's Degree
Program length6/8 semesters / 3/4 years (180/ 210 ECTS points) (depending on the combination)
Startwinter semester
Language of instructionGerman


The minor subject “Indo-European Lingusitics” will provide you with a basic education in the themes and methods of general and historical linguistics with a particular focus on comparative linguistics and the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European. This will give you the skills you need to study an ancient Indo-European language of your choice in greater depth (e.g. Old Indic, Latin, Hittite, Ancient Greek), which will help you to develop linguistic and philological approaches to historical written sources. Through the choice of the language, you can tailor your minor subject to your major subject or to your personal interests. You can then distinguish yourself even further by adding an additional Indo-European language, e.g. from the area of the ancient Anatolian focus of the Comparative Linguistics department in Marburg.


The minor subject will enable you to do academic work in the field of historical and comparative linguistics. As well as an academic career, all the fields relating to cultural mediation and culture management are open to you.

A minor subject will help you to extend your professional qualifications profile, which is decisively shaped by the choice of your major subject. In conjunction with your major subject, your relevant work experience (e.g. internships, part-time jobs, voluntary work) and your personal skills, it will enable you to refine your profile and carve out your own individual array of career options.
