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Language and Communication (minor subject in a combined bachelor’s degree)

Photo: Anselm Wagner

Official titelSprache und Kommunikation
Degreedepends on the major chosen
Study modelCombined Bachelor's Degree
Program optionminor subject in a Combined Bachelor's Degree
Program length6/8 semesters / 3/4 years (180/ 210 ECTS points) (depending on the combination)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman


The focus of the degree programme is on teaching the fundamentals of linguistics, for example on the sounds of speech and phonetic systems or on rhetoric and oral communication. You will also learn the scientific methods of linguistics. You can broaden your knowledge in one of four areas: linguistics and conversation research, text linguistics and pragmatics, language history and variation or psycho- and neurolinguistics. 

The minor can be combined with courses in philology, social sciences and mathematics to apply the fundamentals of linguistics to other sciences. In combination with philologies, linguistics can teach methods for comparing languages and the ability to generalise linguistic characteristics. The subjects of conversation, text linguistics and pragmatics are a useful addition to courses in education, sociology or politics. The formalisation of linguistic description also intersects with mathematics and computer science. Methods of experimental research in linguistics can complement courses in psychology or neuroscience.

An integral part of the combined Bachelor's degree is the MarSkills programme, in which you will acquire valuable, future-oriented skills.


With a degree in linguistics, you will be familiar with all kinds of media. You can work in politics, with a focus on semantics or linguistics, or corporate public relations. You could also work with or on speech data processing systems by taking seminars with a phonetic-phonological focus. 

A minor subject will help you to extend your professional qualifications profile, which is decisively shaped by the choice of your major subject. In conjunction with your major subject, your relevant work experience (e.g. internships, part-time jobs, voluntary work) and your personal skills, it will enable you to refine your profile and carve out your own individual array of career options.