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Modern German Literature (minor subject in a combined bachelor’s degree)

Photo: Anselm Wagner

Official titelNeuere deutschsprachige Literatur
Degreedepends on the major chosen
Study modelCombined Bachelor's Degree
Program optionminor subject in a Combined Bachelor's Degree
Program length6/8 semesters / 3/4 years (180/ 210 ECTS points) (depending on the combination)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman


In the "Modern German Literature" minor subject, you will learn fundamental skills in the systematically diversified core subject of modern German literary studies. After completing the programme, you will be able to analyse and interpret texts of recent German-language literature within their historical and contemporary manifestations and to explore them in their historical, cultural and media contexts.

An integral part of the combined Bachelor's degree is the MarSkills programme, in which you will acquire valuable, future-oriented skills.


This degree programme prepares students for consecutive Master's programmes in literary studies, such as those offered by the Department of German Studies and Art at the University of Marburg (“German-language literature. Text - Culture - Media”, “Teaching literature in the media”). The programme's academic training also qualifies students for various professional fields within the cultural public sphere.
Depending on the individual combination of subjects, the minor subject "Modern German-Language Literature" opens up the following areas of employment and expertise:

  • Academies
  • Libraries and archives
  • Book trade and publishing
  • Editing
  • Cultural journalism, cultural management
  • Museums, literary houses and cultural institutions
  • Public relations
  • Radio and television, old and new media
  • Universities

A minor subject will help you to extend your professional qualifications profile, which is decisively shaped by the choice of your major subject. In conjunction with your major subject, your relevant work experience (e.g. internships, part-time jobs, voluntary work) and your personal skills, it will enable you to refine your profile and carve out your own individual array of career options.
