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Sustainability in Economy and Spatial Planning (Bachelor of Science)

Official titelNachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaft und Raum
DegreeBachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Program length6 semesters / 3 years (162 ECTS points)
Startwinter semester
Language of instructionGerman


In this degree programme, you will identify and investigate issues at the intersection of economics, geography and sustainability and develop solutions. You will look at economic problems from one of the four specialisations "Accounting and Finance", "Market-oriented Corporate Management", "Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" and "Economics" or analyse issues relating to the specialisation "Geography".  When it comes to sustainability, you will take modules in "Sustainable Management" and "Sustainable Economic Policy" and can develop your skills in two of three exciting basic competencies: "Human Being and Environment", "Climate Geography" or "Spatial Planning". These can be supplemented through the advanced sustainability course, with content on sustainability management, for example. 

An integral part of the combined Bachelor's degree is the MarSkills programme, in which you will acquire attractive and future-oriented key skills.


Upon graduation, you will be qualified to take on challenging tasks at the crossroads of sustainability, economics and geography in the private sector, in public institutions and for organisations. Students with particularly good qualifications can take part in Master's programmes in business administration, economics or geography at home or abroad.
